Macron announces results of talks with Putin on Ukraine
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Macron announces results of talks with Putin on Ukraine

Source:  CNBC

French leader Emmanuel Macron officially confirmed that the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has rejected his proposal for an "Olympic truce" amid the Russia's war against Ukraine.

Macron understood that Putin does not want peace

The President of France commented on the refusal of the illegitimate head of the Kremlin to declare a truce during the Olympic Games.

Emmanuel Macron pointed out that the "Olympic truce" is a tradition and it would be "very important to use this window for one month".

Despite this, the French leader drew attention to the fact that the truce is not the end for him.

Permanent peace is the end, the politician emphasised.

He also came to a certain conclusion when the illegitimate president refused his offer.

So, everything is clear for everyone in the world. He is the one who decided to start this war and he is not ready for peace.

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron

President of France

Zelenskyy also refused Macron's offer

The Ukrainian leader commented on the idea of a "truce" during the Olympics in Paris and explained why he decided to reject it.

According to the head of the state, he does not really understand this initiative, because nothing will prevent Russia, for example, from moving closer with equipment, and then "turn on the offensive".

Volodymyr Zelenskyy also reminded that Ukraine already has an unfortunate experience of a ceasefire with Russia.

But it doesn't work very well with this enemy. In addition, there is a risk — who will record that during the ceasefire their forces will not approach us? Cessation of fire does not prevent the equipment from moving closer, and then starting the offensive. That is, I do not understand the details. It still sounds like a dead story to me."

Volodymyr Zelenskyi

Volodymyr Zelenskyi

President of Ukraine

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