Putin's henchman threatens Zelenskyy with court
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Putin's henchman threatens Zelenskyy with court

Source:  online.ua

Ex-President of Russia Dmytro Medvedev issued hysterical threats to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Medvedev threatens Zelenskyy with trial and terror

Dmytry Medvedev, in response to the TASS agency's questions, once again hysterically declared the illegitimacy of Zelenskyy as President.

An odious Russian politician called the Ukrainian President the head of a political regime hostile to Russia, which is at war with them.

And the leaders of countries waging war are always seen as a legitimate military target. For us, he is a war criminal and the loss of official status does not change anything. Although he, like any of his successors (although there is no need to talk about legal succession here), can act as a party to sign the act of unconditional surrender. As, for example, Alfred Jodl or Wilhelm Keitel did it on behalf of fascist Germany and its armed forces.

Medvedev dreamed of detaining Zelenskyy and "putting him on trial for crimes against citizens of Russia and Ukrainians." In the case of the impossibility of delivering such a criminal, the rules applicable to terrorists should be applied. This is precisely the fate that befell Zelenskyi's spiritual teacher — Stepan Bandera."

Medvedev demanded the unification of Russia and Ukraine

Putin's henchman cynically noted, that to achieve the so-called "consensus with the international community", Ukraine, they say, must:

  • to announce "full and unconditional surrender",

  • "carry out demilitarisation",

  • "dismiss all constitutional authorities",

  • "immediately hold elections to the provisional parliament."

The scandalous Russian politician insists that Ukraine's allies recognise the "Kyiv political regime as Nazi" and carry out the "forced denazification of all authorities" under the control of the UN.

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