Republicans criticise Biden for sending weapons to Kenya instead of Ukraine
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Republicans criticise Biden for sending weapons to Kenya instead of Ukraine

Joe Biden
Source:  Politico

Republicans claim that the US president's team bypassed lawmakers and sent tens of millions of dollars worth of military equipment to Kenyan troops stationed in Haiti that could have been used to help Ukraine.

Republicans harshly criticised the White House over Ukraine

A new high-profile scandal broke out in the United States after it became known that the team of US leader Joe Biden sent weapons to Kenya, not Ukraine.

Republicans claim that the US president's team bypassed lawmakers by sending tens of millions of dollars worth of military equipment to Kenyan troops deployed in Haiti that could have been used to help Ukraine.

What is important to understand is about rifles, ammunition and armored vehicles.

Lawmakers complain that Joe Biden's administration hastily began spending American money on an unspecified and open-ended operation in Haiti without waiting for congressional approval.

Republicans are excited by the fact that the White House's support for Haiti may cost Ukraine dearly, because official Washington also sends weapons to the armed forces directly from the warehouses of the US Department of Defence.

How the US authorities comment on the arms scandal for Kenya

The military is conducting an internal inventory audit to see what they can allocate for Haiti — which puts them in direct competition with Ukraine for resources, one insider told reporters.

According to the leadership of the State Department, the States are forced to respond to numerous critical needs around the world, and the scenarios for the development of events in Ukraine and Haiti are different.

Supporting the people of Haiti does not limit or deprive us of the opportunity to support the people of Ukraine... Both priorities are important, and in each case we determine support taking into account the needs of our partners,” the American diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told reporters.

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