Russia assembles new military formation of over 100,000 soldiers for potential summer offensive
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Russia assembles new military formation of over 100,000 soldiers for potential summer offensive

Russian army

According to the data of AFU Ground Forces Commander Oleksandr Pavliuk, the Russian army may launch another major offensive in one of the front directions in the summer of 2024.

Ukraine must prepare for a new Russian offensive

According to Pavliuk, Ukrainian forces do not know Russian plans for today, but forecasts can be made.

We only know the data from which they create groups of over 100 thousand. But it doesn't need to be an offensive. Perhaps they will use them to replenish their units that are losing combat capability. But there is a probability that by the beginning of the summer, they may have specific forces to conduct appropriate offensive operations in one of the directions.

Oleksandr Pavliuk

Oleksandr Pavliuk

AFU Ground Forces Commander

He also confirmed that Ukrainian soldiers plan to make the enemy's offensive actions impossible.

We will do everything possible to inflict such losses on the enemy that all the resources they are forming have been involved in the battle by this time, emphasised Oleksandr Pavliuk.

How Ukraine is preparing for a possible attack by the Russian Federation

According to the AFU Ground Forces commander, our defenders understand that the enemy can resort to various insidious actions, so you need to be ready.

That is why the beginning of regrouping and withdrawal of several brigades has already taken place to restore combat capability.

This process has started, and some of the forces and resources are withdrawn to the recovery area to allow people to rest, recover, resupply, and start new actions with new forces. We plan to do this. Not all the plans we have - they succeed. But we are gradually moving forward.

Oleksandr Pavlyuk

Oleksandr Pavlyuk

AFU Ground Forces Commander

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