Russia, Belarus dictators to meet in Minsk: details
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Russia, Belarus dictators to meet in Minsk: details

Putin and Lukashenko

Russian self-proclaimed dictator Vladimir Putin will visit his "colleague" Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus on May 23-24.

Lukashenko invited Putin to Belarus

The illegitimate president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, will visit Belarus on May 23-24 at the invitation of the country's self-proclaimed president, Alexander Lukashenko.

As reported by the propagandist Russian mass media, on May 23 a "big meeting" between Putin and Lukashenka is expected in Minsk, and on May 24 "there will be a whole day of this very official visit."

During the negotiations, the dictators will discuss topical issues of further developing Russo-Belarusian strategic partnership and alliance relations.

Putin and Lukashenko will also discuss the progress and prospects of integration cooperation within the framework of the Union State and key topics of the international agenda.

Putin invented a cynical justification for the strikes on Ukraine's energy system

Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin called the strikes of the Russian occupation army on energy facilities in Ukraine a process of "demilitarisation".

During a meeting with his henchman, the self-proclaimed Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko, Putin stated that the attacks of the criminal army of the Russian Federation on strategic energy facilities in Ukraine are allegedly "a solution to one of the tasks set by the Kremlin in the ongoing war.

Putin cynically began to claim that the destruction of Ukraine's energy system facilities was allegedly part of a plan to "demilitarise" and influence the Ukrainian industrial and defence complex.

The Kremlin dictator also noted that airstrikes by the Russian criminal army were also a response to attacks by Ukrainian drones on objects on the territory of the aggressor country.

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