Russia forcibly keeps abducted Ukrainian children in summer camps for brainwashing and military training
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Russia forcibly keeps abducted Ukrainian children in summer camps for brainwashing and military training

Source:  Espresso

Concerning Ukrainian children in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the Russian invaders are committing violations of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Thus, schoolchildren are "driven" en masse for 2-3 weeks to summer camps with an accelerated program of Russian propaganda and "military and patriotic" education.

The rights of Ukrainian children are being violated on TOT

The lawyer of the NGO "Regional Human Rights Center" Kateryna Rashevska, noted that about Ukrainian children, the occupiers committed "a whole bunch" of violations of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

She said this on the air on the Espresso TV channel.

A whole series of so-called summer camps were opened on the territory of the newly occupied territories and on the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula.

In April 2024, Maria Lvova-Belova, this is the person with the arrest warrant, came to the occupied territories to make sure that this system is ready and able to receive children. Such camps exist in 55 subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as on the territory of Belarus.

It is as if children are being taken there, but the parents must give the so-called consent. Only those children who have imposed Russian citizenship are admitted to the camps free of charge. Therefore, this is another means of manipulating Ukrainian citizens to get such a passport.

Kateryna Rashevska

Kateryna Rashevska

Lawyer of the NGO "Regional Center for Human Rights"

According to the lawyer of the NGO "Regional Center for Human Rights", the occupiers committed "a whole bouquet" of violations of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child about Ukrainian children.

Parents are forced to send their children to so-called re-education camps. However, the situation has changed somewhat, and the purpose of such camps has also changed. Suppose they were previously used to keep children above the norm. That is, the children were not there for two or three weeks but for six months and sometimes for a year. Currently, children go there for two or three weeks to undergo accelerated brainwashing and militarization courses.

Moreover, not only children but also their parents were thought to be re-educated there. The Russians are interested not only because they ideologically want to eradicate the Ukrainian identity from our children but also to make money. Therefore, everyone is interested, but the first victims are Ukrainian children, in respect of whom a "whole bouquet" of violations of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is committed.

What is known about Russia's abduction of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine

In 2023, the Online.UA team presented the documentary "Abducted Childhood", which reveals the truth about Russia's abduction of Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

The film contains real stories of children and their families affected by Russia's war against Ukraine, comments by leading scientists, psychologists, lawyers and experts on the protection of children's rights.

The heroes of the documentary film went through Russian captivity, torture, abduction to a health camp, some were separated from their parents during the so-called filtering measures.

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