Russia launched spacecraft for anti-satellite nuclear weapons, US officials say
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Russia launched spacecraft for anti-satellite nuclear weapons, US officials say

nuclear weapons

Deploying these weapons in space would allow Russia to destroy American government and private satellites, including the Starlink group.

What is known about Russia's plans to test anti-satellite nuclear weapons

The Russian satellite "Kosmos-2553", which revolves around the Earth in an unusual orbit, is designed to test components of a potential anti-satellite nuclear weapon.

According to the publication's sources, this satellite secretly acts as a platform for research and development of non-nuclear components of a new weapons system that Russia has not yet deployed. It does not carry nuclear weapons, but USfficials have linked it to Russia's nuclear anti-satellite program, which has raised concerns in recent months among the Biden administration, Congress and non-government experts.

Sources of the publication claim that the deployment of these weapons in space will allow Russia to destroy the American government and private satellites, in particular the Starlink group, which has become very important for the defenders of Ukraine.

Moscow officially declares that the Kosmos-2553 satellite is intended only for scientific observations.

What is the probability of a nuclear attack by the Russian Federation?

On May 6, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin unexpectedly announced exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons. The USUState Department explained whether such decisions by the head of the Kremlin are currently dangerous.

The USUState Department, Matthew Miller, said about this.

According to him, at the moment, official Washington does not see signs of possible use of Russian nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

Journalists asked the American diplomat how the United States intends to respond to the exercises planned by the aggressor country and how much it will complicate the already tense situation.

Matthew Miller pointed out that the Kremlin's nuclear rhetoric was reckless and irresponsible throughout the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war.

The State Department representative also officially confirmed that the White House will not adjust its nuclear position in response to Moscow's threats because this makes no sense.

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