Russia launches new nuclear blackmail campaign against West
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Russia launches new nuclear blackmail campaign against West

Center for Countering Disinformation of Ukraine

Russian propaganda intensified the campaign of intimidation of the West in response to the decision of some countries to allow Ukraine to strike on the territory of the Russian Federation.

CCD warns about a new Russian propagandistic campaign

The Centre for Countering Disinformation states that the Kremlin launched an information campaign of intimidation and nuclear blackmail in response to the decision of some Western countries to allow Ukraine to strike deep into territory of the Russian Federation with weapons received from partners.

Personally, the Russian dictator Putin announced the possible "serious consequences in Europe" and separately voiced a threat to "small countries" that have "a small territory and a very dense population." At the same time, Putin expressed much more restraint regarding the US, assuming that they should not want a "global conflict", — the CCD notes.

In addition, the propaganda resources of the Russian Federation developed the theses of their dictator, actively spreading threats against relatively small EU countries.

In particular, Kremlin propaganda threatens the Czech Republic, Sweden, the Netherlands, Poland, etc. with missile strikes. There are also calls to stage a demonstration nuclear explosion to intimidate Western countries.

This situation once again demonstrated that the only dialogue option that the Russian Federation is capable of now is threats, blackmail and escalation, the CCD concluded.

The Russian operation "Maidan-3" against Ukraine is approaching its peak

The Intelligence Committee under the President of Ukraine officially warns that the "Maidan-3" special operation, which the Russian Federation is conducting against our country, will reach its climax in March-May 2024.

Dictator Vladimir Putin's team intends to:

  • to question the legitimacy of government decisions made in Ukraine after May 20,

  • spread panic moods and despair,

  • to artificially oppose civilians and the military,

  • put us at odds with our allies,

  • spread all kinds of "conspiracy theories" in society.

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) reported that it has lists of persons Russia can involve in spreading its narratives and influencing the socio-political situation in Ukraine.

The team wrote about the enemy's special operation on November 13, 2023, in the exclusive article: "Panic, despair, showdowns and assassinations' attempts. Russia has launched a new "Maidan-3" info attack on Ukraine — exclusive".

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