Russia likely lost its last cruise missile carrier in occupied Crimea
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Russia likely lost its last cruise missile carrier in occupied Crimea

Russian missile ship "Zyklon"

According to Dmytro Pletenchuk, the OSTG “Odesa" spokesman, the Russian Black Sea Fleet is likely to be without its last carrier of cruise missiles in Crimea.

What is known about the alleged hit by AFU of the last cruise missile carrier of the Russian army near Crimea

Apparently, the entire staff was impressed. They are very impressed now... We are currently verifying the rest of the information. But, of course, there is a possibility that the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea has lost its last carrier of cruise missiles, Pletenchuk noted.

According to him, there is no official confirmation of this information yet, which should be waited for.

Ukraine could use ATACMS to destroy the minesweeper "Kovrovets"

According to Forbes journalists, on Sunday, May 19, the Ukrainian military sank the trawler "Kovrovets".

The authors of the material note that another ship of the Black Sea Fleet was sunk with the help of ATACMS long-range missiles.

This munition is designed for land attacks, and its use as an anti-ship weapon is unusual.

This is because, according to most sources, the ATACMS hit accuracy with inertial guidance is about 9 meters from the target. However, when it comes to the ship, this is not enough.

At the same time, ATACMS models M39 at 160 km and M-39A1 at 300 km scatter hundreds of submunitions the size of a grenade, compensating for the lack of accuracy.

These missiles can damage the upper part of the ship but are unlikely to sink it.

If the ATACMS system was used to sink the Kovrovets, this could mean that there is a 270km M48 missile version or a 300km M57 ATACMS version with 200kg warheads in addition to the M39 and M39A1 ATACMS with submunitions.

The implication is that M48 and M57 are more accurate than many observers have assumed, and the implications are significant.

The ships of the Black Sea Fleet, which remained in occupied Sevastopol, are within the range of M39A1, M48 and M57.

If ATACMS destroys Russian warships in Sevastopol, it's hard to imagine that the base could do much good for the Russians, says Phillips O'Brien, a professor of strategic studies at the University of St. Andrews.

At the same time, S-400s, hunted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Crimea, could not intercept the ATACMS.

According to military consultant Nunu Felix, the Russians cannot counter these missiles.

Equally worrying for the invaders is that ATACMS could seriously threaten the Crimean Bridge.

There is also another logistics line — a railway through the Russian-occupied south of Ukraine. If Ukraine can block it and demolish the Kerch Bridge, it will be able to cut off Russian troops in Crimea.

Then, the peninsula will be in a disadvantageous position.

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