Russia trying to protect Crimean Bridge in any possible way, DIU speaker says
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Russia trying to protect Crimean Bridge in any possible way, DIU speaker says

Crimean bridge

According to Andrii Yusov, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), the Russian occupying army is currently trying in every way to strengthen the protection of the illegally built Crimean bridge from the attacks of the Ukrainian military.

Points of attention

  • The Russian occupying army is strengthening the defence of the Crimean Bridge by building new fortifications and naval facilities.
  • Ukrainian special services and the military conducted successful operations in the Crimea region, which created significant pressure on the Russian occupiers.
  • Destruction of the Crimean bridge is difficult to achieve without nuclear weapons, but the Ukrainian military can use alternative methods, such as missile and drone attacks.
  • The Russians have several alternative options for providing logistics to Crimea in the event of the destruction of the bridge, but the Ukrainian military is effectively repelling these attempts.
  • Building an overland railway in the occupied Azov region is the most difficult and disturbing option for Russians, and it also has its risks and challenges.

How effective are Russia's measures to protect the Crimean bridge

The enemy is really strengthening the guard, the protection of the bridge. Builds new fortifications, strengthens sea fortifications. Conducts engineering works. And this applies to both classical systems and artisanal ones, when some paths and directions are simply covered with barges, — emphasises Yusov.

He noted that the Russian occupiers were not using any new tactics because they had already tried to protect the bridge with the same methods before that.

Yusov recalled that since the beginning of this year, Ukrainian special services and the military have conducted many successful operations in the Crimea region, in particular, to destroy ships of the Black Sea Fleet.

To be continued. We will not make announcements, of course. But the Security and Defense Forces are working and everything is being implemented according to the plan, — assured the DIU representative.

Yusov also added that currently, the Russian occupiers understand that there are no safe places left for them on the occupied peninsula.

The frequency of various measures and their consequences is becoming more and more noticeable, — emphasises DIU speaker.

He also noted that after every successful operation of the Ukrainian special services, intelligence and military, various complaints of the Russian occupiers spread in the mass media.

But it perfectly conveys the impressions and moods in Crimea, — explains Yusov.

According to him, the majority of Ukrainian citizens are looking forward to the restoration of the Ukrainian government and the expulsion of traitors from the peninsula they occupy.

What consequences will the destruction of the Crimean bridge have for the occupying army on the peninsula?

According to military analyst Denys Popovych on Radio NV, Ukraine currently does not have the weapons to eradicate the Crimean Bridge.

The so-called Crimean bridge, put it out of order for a considerable period of time so that nothing could move on it — neither trains nor motor vehicles. It must be destroyed. It is extremely difficult to completely destroy it, to wipe it off the face of the earth, for this nuclear weapons are necessary, to destroy it with tactical nuclear weapons, to completely level it, let's say. We do not have such weapons, — Popovych notes.

The analyst emphasised that, on the other hand, the Ukrainian military can attack the bridge with a large number of American ATACMS long-range missiles, as well as with all other available missiles and drones, to blow it up from below.

It will force the Russian occupiers to spend much time on its restoration.

The analyst emphasised that the Russian occupiers still had several alternative options in the event of the bridge's destruction.

The first is a ferry crossing across the Kerch Strait, through which the occupiers could transfer equipment, material and technical means and everything necessary to support their army.

However, at the end of May, the Ukrainian military struck this crossing, effectively reducing this alternative to zero.

Another option for the Russians was large amphibious ships, with the help of which they also tried to establish logistics. However, the expert noted, "We drowned them a little and "rolled" them a little.

The most alarming option is the construction of a railway across the land, in the occupied Azov region. This railway should be extended from the Rostov region to the occupied Crimea, using the railway tracks that were already available in the occupied territory of the Zaporizhzhia region, Popovych warns.

According to him, even if the Crimean bridge is destroyed and other alternative routes are eliminated, the Russians still have hope for a logistical connection by land.

He noted that it would be difficult to destroy it, even if ATACMS reached there.

The railway is a canvas that recovers very quickly. We need to think about how to make it inoperable for a fairly significant period of time, — explains the analyst.

In addition, the expert noted that the Russians would protect the railway from sabotage.

They also have special armored trains, which they used to protect railway tracks. That is, this armored train can run on this railway, track sabotage groups, take fire on itself, if anything. That is, they will take measures. And this should not be discounted either, — emphasises Popovych.

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