Russian military shoots dead captured civilian in Vovchansk
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Russian military shoots dead captured civilian in Vovchansk

Ihor Klymenko
Russian soldier

The Russian army is reportedly taking civilians prisoner in Vovchansk. The first execution of civilians by the occupiers has been reported.

Russian soldiers prevented residents of Vovchansk from evacuating

In the northern part of Vovchansk, where active hostilities are taking place, the Russian military is taking civilians captive.

According to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Igor Klymenko, evacuation has also continued in that area until today - the National Police of Ukraine has not stopped evacuating people despite all the threats and under fire.

As of now, according to operational information, the Russian military, which was trying to gain a foothold in the city, did not allow local residents to evacuate: people began to be kidnapped and herded into basements. It is known about the first executions of civilians by the Russian military.

Ihor Klymenko

Ihor Klymenko

Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

One of the residents of Vovchansk tried to escape on foot, refused to follow the commands of the invaders, and the Russians killed him.

Investigators of the National Police of Ukraine in Kharkiv region opened a criminal investigation into the violation of the rules and customs of war.

Evacuation teams of the National Police of Ukraine continue to work in Vovchansk despite intense fighting and are trying to ensure further evacuation of people.

Civilian disappeared during armed attack by Russian occupiers

The Prosecutor General's Office said that on May 14, a Russian soldier shot a 46-year-old man at close range in the village of Starytsia of the Vovchansk community.

It is also known that on May 14, during an armed attack by the occupiers, a civilian disappeared.

His whereabouts are currently unknown. At the moment, law enforcement officers are considering several versions: illegal deprivation of liberty of a civilian by Russian servicemen or his murder.

Currently, hostilities continue in the settlement.

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