Russian prisoners of war went on an "excursion" in Kharkiv to the sites of shelling of the Russian Federation - video
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Russian prisoners of war went on an "excursion" in Kharkiv to the sites of shelling of the Russian Federation - video

Russian prisoners

Four Russian prisoners of war visited civilian objects in Kharkiv that were shelled by the enemy at the end of May, in particular in the construction hypermarket "Epicentr"

Points of attention

  • The testimonies of the prisoners highlight the manipulation and deceit in the propaganda spread by the Russian authorities.
  • The visit to shelled civilian objects unveils the harsh reality of occupation and genocide inflicted by Russia in Ukraine.
  • The prisoners of war emphasize the disconnect between the official statements of the Russian commanders and the actual situation on the ground.
  • The eye-opening experiences of the Russian captives shed light on the devastating consequences of the military conflict and call for an end to the aggression.

The occupation and genocide of the Ukrainian population is being carried out by Russia

The captured Russians were brought to the center of Kharkiv, where a Russian rocket landed on May 25.

When the journalist asked how the occupiers ended up in the army, one of them answered that they had signed a contract. He also said that the motivation was the financial situation: "Mortgage, money, debts."

When asked if it was scary to die, the occupier answered that it was scary, but he did not have an answer why he went to war in that case, Nakipilo reports.

I feel that there is occupation and genocide on the Russian side. I saw it with my own eyes. When many soldiers lie down. Many children die, many adults, civilian objects, he said.

Nothing will change until Putin leaves

The Russian also believes that nothing will change until dictator Putin leaves power in Russia.

In addition, the journalist asked whether a popular uprising against the government was possible in Russia, the invader replied that "the people have all been intimidated, no one will be able to rise up."

According to the media outlet, the locals who saw the occupiers on the street really wanted to "thank them for the liberation", but they were restrained by the Ukrainian military who accompanied the invaders.

The Russians were also brought to the destroyed construction hypermarket "Epicentr", where terrorists also targeted on May 25. When asked by the occupiers whether there is a rhetoric of "liberation" in the Russian army, one of the prisoners said that "according to the commander, yes", but they saw that everything was different.

We think that everything is not as they said. In fact, the occupation. After seeing all this, they realized that everything is not at all the way the Russian commanders say, - said one of the prisoners.

He said that he is 20 years old, he has been in the war for 5 months, he was captured during the landing near Liptsi.

Why are the Russians shelling civilian objects in Kharkiv?

The journalist asked a question about why Russia launches missiles and aerial bombs on civilian objects in Kharkiv.

We are shown as if military equipment is located here, military infrastructure. But I don't see it here... We are all told that there is military equipment here, we are all told there, in Russia, that they are hitting the military infrastructure, but now I saw with my own eyes that there is no military equipment here and there never was. "Not only here, but also in the previous building," said one of the occupants.

The occupier concluded that the Russian people are being fooled. Eyes soften, so that the people would go, as if they were vacating their territories, as if they were opening the corridors. And in conclusion, they go for occupation, genocide and many deaths on both sides.

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