Russia's army begins 'an infantry massacre' in battles for Vovchansk — Forbes
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Russia's army begins 'an infantry massacre' in battles for Vovchansk — Forbes

Russia's army
Source:  Forbes

As Forbes found out, the Russian authorities do not care about the equipment, but they want the lives of soldiers, so they are trying to achieve at least some success at the front, arranging infantry massacres.

Points of attention

  • Russian troops suffer large-scale losses in Vovchansk.
  • The Russian command continues to form new units to continue hostilities.
  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine will not back down in the fight against the Russian army in Vovchansk and are preparing for future enemy offensives.

What is known about the situation in Vovchansk

According to journalists, the battlefield in and around Vovchansk has become extremely dangerous for enemy armoured vehicles.

That is why the command of the Russian Federation throws exclusively infantry into battle, which dies in crazy numbers thanks to the successful work of Ukrainian drones and artillery.

In addition, it is emphasized that the Kremlin recruits and conducts superficial training for about 30,000 new fighters every month, so it is not afraid of such large-scale losses.

So even as Russians die in shocking numbers in Vovchansk and other cities, the Russian army continues to replenish existing units and even form new ones, Forbes explains.

The Russian army is not going to retreat from Kharkiv region

According to one of the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a drone operator of the Marine Corps of Ukraine from the 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade, who is currently in Vovchansk, despite the difficult situation for the Russian invaders, they are not going to surrender.

Moreover, the enemy is actively preparing new forces for future offensives, and simply ignores his insane losses on the battlefield.

The Ukrainian soldier draws attention to the fact that Vovchansk is a field for destroying Russian infantry as of today.

It is important to understand that the Russian army does have armored vehicles that are ideal for fighting in the city, but it does not use them.

In fact, it makes a twisted sense, especially for Russian commanders who do not value the lives of their soldiers and put armored vehicles first, Forbes concludes.

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