Russia's commanders order to behead AFU soldier in Donetsk region, Ukraine General Prosecutor says
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Russia's commanders order to behead AFU soldier in Donetsk region, Ukraine General Prosecutor says

Source:  GPU

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin reported on the arbitrariness of Russian commanders who ordered the beheading of a Ukrainian soldier in the Donetsk region.

Points of attention

  • The Russian military once again violated the norms of international humanitarian law.
  • Ukrainian defenders are subjected to brutal treatment and torture by the Russian occupiers in captivity.
  • The Prosecutor General's Office announced that over 2,200 Ukrainian soldiers were tortured in Russian captivity.

Russian commanders gave the order to behead Ukrainian soldiers

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin informed this information.

The Prosecutor General's Office received information that the Russian commanders gave orders not to capture Ukrainian servicemen but instead to kill them with inhuman cruelty - by beheading.

The crime was committed in the Donetsk region. It is a terrible barbarism that has no place in the 21st century. This is another proof that the war crimes committed by the aggressor are not isolated incidents but a planned strategy of the Russian regime.

 Andriy Kostin

Andriy Kostin

Prosecutor General of Ukraine

These criminal orders were given at the battalion and company leadership level of the occupying forces.

We will not leave these crimes unpunished. I call on the entire civilised world to isolate and punish the terrorist country.

Kostin named the number of victims of Russian captivity

More than 2,200 Ukrainian defenders have been recognized as victims in the proceedings regarding their stay in captivity. At least 25 facilities where Ukrainian prisoners of war are held have been established in 15 regions of Russia.

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin talked about this on the national newscast.

Videos of abuse of Ukrainian prisoners, which are distributed on the Internet, are only part of the criminal strategy of the Kremlin. Anyone who was in Russian captivity was subjected to brutal treatment or torture by the occupiers.

He noted that prisoners of war are tortured and kept in inhumane conditions.

Even for communicating in the Ukrainian language, they are subjected to beatings and other forms of physical violence.

There are cases when Ukrainian prisoners who have returned from captivity say that they witnessed the murders of other prisoners.

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