Scholz's permission for Ukraine to strike Russia with German weapons launched debates in Bundestag
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Scholz's permission for Ukraine to strike Russia with German weapons launched debates in Bundestag


Ukraine received permission from the Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, to strike the territory of the Russian Federation with German weapons. However, this step became an occasion for new discussions in the German parliament.

Points of attention

  • German politicians reacted differently to Scholz's decision: Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann supported the chancellor, while Sarah Wagenknecht made cynical accusations.
  • Strack-Zimmermann noted the insufficient support of Ukraine from Berlin for Ukraine and the anger on this occasion.
  • Sarah Wagenknecht argues that the conflict could lead to a major war in Europe, threatening Germany's security.
  • Scholz's decision was made amid a change in Macron and Biden's positions, and they also expressed support for Ukraine.

Bundestag is once again cursing over the chancellor's and his team's decisions

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, head of the Bundestag defence committee from the Free Democratic Party, was one of the first to make a statement.

She publicly stated that she supports the position of the country's leader, as well as the fact that he changed his course in time and did not abandon the Ukrainian people to their own devices.

The politician drew attention to the fact that the Armed Forces have the right to destroy missile launch sites located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Despite this, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann admitted that she was outraged by Berlin's insufficient support for Ukraine.

"Germany supports Ukraine, but not fast enough... And we are completely predictable for Putin," the politician complained.

Putin's friends in the Bundestag criticise Scholz

One of the henchmen of the Russian dictator, left-wing politician Sara Wagenknecht, whose BSW party opposes military aid to Ukraine, lashed out at the German chancellor with cynical accusations.

Your latest U-turn puts Germany in grave danger, and you know it,” she lied.

In addition, Sarah Wagenknecht began to argue that the most fatal threat to Germany's security was the growing danger of the war in Ukraine turning into a major war in Europe.

It is essential to understand that Olaf Scholz thought for a long time about whether to permit Ukraine to strike the Russian Federation with German weapons.

He was pushed to a favourable decision by a sharp change in the positions of his colleagues — Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden.

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