Some of F-16s for Ukraine to be based abroad due to several reasons, analyst explains
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Some of F-16s for Ukraine to be based abroad due to several reasons, analyst explains

Source:  RBC Ukraine

The Ukrainian Air Force announced that some of the Ukrainian F-16 fighters will be based abroad. However, they will remain in the centres to train our pilots and aviation personnel.

Points of attention

  • Capacity limitations and the difficulty of servicing Western aircraft affected the decision to base some Ukrainian F-16s abroad.
  • The conditions for carrying out combat missions near the front line in neighbouring countries do not meet the requirements for the effectiveness of using F-16 fighters.
  • Aircraft repair and maintenance require compliance with the gold standard, the conditions of which cannot be 100% guaranteed in Ukraine.
  • The air defence deficit in Ukraine and the need for well-protected airfields also influence the decision to base the F-16 unit abroad.
  • To achieve air superiority, Ukraine needs a comprehensive approach that includes not only F-16 fighters but also EW, air defence systems, and other elements.

Why will part of the Ukrainian F-16 be based abroad?

There is a certain limit on the capacity to master new aircraft. The ergonomics of work on Western aircraft are more difficult than on Soviet ones. However, we still show very good results in this. For example, the Romanians bought 30 F-16 aircraft from Norway for half a billion dollars back in November 2021. But they started receiving them only in the spring of this year. That is, Romanians paid money for planes that were formally unnecessary and waited two years. And now they are just learning to fly them, — said Ivan Kyrychevskyy, an expert of the information and consulting agency Defense Express.

The expert explained that our planes, which will be abroad, cannot quickly take off on combat missions near the front line if necessary.

Such assumptions and ideas rest on one important point: it will be too far to the front line. For example, the airport Rzeszów — the main hub — is located about a thousand kilometers from the front line. That is, the fighter will burn all the fuel until it gets there. And the airfields from which F-16 fighters could actually take off, in the territory of Poland or Romania, are even further away, — Kyrychevskyy added.

At the same time, the combat radius of the F-16 is about 500-600 kilometres. Therefore, combat flights from neighbouring countries are technically impossible.

If we proceed from what was literally stated by Serhii Golubtsov, the chief of aviation of the Air Force Command, then he said that these planes will stand and be stored, first of all, as a reserve. Secondly, as a replacement for other boards that will be sent for maintenance. Thirdly, in case of loss of sides. I think that these are the real motives and reasons, — said the expert.

As Kyrychevskyi said, aircraft repairs and maintenance should be carried out after every 400 flight hours.

This is at best every six months. If we ignore it, we can end up in a situation like Iraq. In 2021, when he had to fight ISIS, none of his 30 F-16s flew. Additionally, the gold standard for F-16 maintenance is that at least 70% of the fleet is operational. And in our conditions, we will have to keep this indicator at 100%. Accordingly, it will be necessary to keep the planes in reserve, he concluded.

Another reason why part of the F-16 will be left abroad is Ukraine's air defence shortage. The airfield on which they will be based should be well protected.

F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine

So far, four countries have confirmed plans to transfer American F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

Only Western F-16 fighters are not enough for Ukraine to change the situation on the battlefield and gain superiority in the air. It should be a complete complex with the use of EW, anti-aircraft systems, and other means, explained Serhiy Golubtsov, chief of aviation of the Air Force Command.

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