SSU reports charges to pro-Russian producer Bardash
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SSU reports charges to pro-Russian producer Bardash

Security Service of Ukraine (SSU)
Yury Bardash

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) gathered evidence against the producer and musician Yury Bardash, who justified Russia's war against Ukraine.

Yuriy Bardash fled to Russia at the beginning of the full-scale invasion

Even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he fled to Russia, where he began a wide-ranging information campaign supporting the occupiers.

To this end, Bardash regularly publishes anti-Ukrainian posts on the pages of his Telegram channel with a total audience of almost 50,000 users.

The figure calls for the capture of Kyiv and Kharkiv, among other things. Also, Bardash regularly repeats Russian propaganda theses in the broadcasts of the Kremlin's mouthpieces on YouTube video hosting.

Bardash carried out information and subversive activities for Russia's benefit

The Security Service of Ukaine (SSU) initiated examinations that confirmed the facts of his informational and subversive activities in favor of the aggressor.

Thus, based on the collected evidence, the investigators of the Security Service notified Bardash in absentia of suspicion under four articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: Chapter 2 of Art. 109 (public calls for violent change of the constitutional system and distribution of materials calling for such actions); Chapters 1, 2 of Art. 110 (distribution of materials with calls to change the territory's borders in violation of the procedure established by the Constitution of Ukraine); Art. 436 (war propaganda); Chapters 1, 3 of Art. 436-2 (justification, recognition as legitimate, denial of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, glorification of its participants).

Since the person involved is hiding from justice on the territory of Russia, comprehensive measures are currently underway to bring him to justice for crimes against Ukraine.

The scandalous producer Yurii Bardash supported the war that the Russian Federation started in Ukraine and fled to the aggressor country.

Already in Moscow, the traitor began spreading propaganda narratives about "fraternal nations" and "everything is America's fault", praising Kremlin dictator Putin and calling on Ukrainians to surrender.

At the beginning of this year, it became known that Bardash received Russian citizenship. He said it himself, bragging about his Russian passport against the background of Putin's portrait.

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