Stoltenberg reveals details of Ukraine's permission to strike targets in Russia with Western weapons
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Stoltenberg reveals details of Ukraine's permission to strike targets in Russia with Western weapons

Jens Stoltenberg
Source:  Radio Svoboda

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg noted that Ukraine has every right to strike targets on the territory of the aggressor country, Russia, as part of self-defence.

What does NATO say about Ukraine's permission to strike targets on Russian territory with Western weapons?

Stoltenberg emphasised that the right to strike targets on the territory of Russia with Western weapons should, first of all, be exercised by Ukraine near the borders with the Kharkiv region, on the territory of which the occupying army of the Russian Federation is conducting an offensive.

The NATO Secretary General reminded that it was Russia that attacked Ukraine and thereby grossly violated the norms of international law. Therefore, Ukraine, in turn, has a full right to self-defence.

Stoltenberg welcomed the removal by Western partners of restrictions on Ukraine's use of their weapons for strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The right to self-defense also includes the right to strike targets on the aggressor's territory. And this is exactly what Ukraine should be able to do. Not least in Kharkiv, because there the front line and the border more or less coincide. If Ukraine could not strike at Russian artillery batteries, their missile batteries or airfields, it would be very difficult, — noted the Secretary General of the Alliance.

At the same time, Stoltenberg avoided the question of allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike the radar stations of the aggressor country.

I will not go into the details of exactly how Ukraine should conduct its self-defense operations. But they must comply with international law and be carried out responsibly, — stressed the NATO Secretary General.

It should be noted that the USA did not permit Ukraine to hit the territory of the Russian Federation with ATACMS missiles.

What NATO says about the prospects of Ukraine's victory in the war

NATO Secretary General expressed his conviction that Ukraine could win the war Russia started.

Wars are by their very nature unpredictable. But what we have seen so far is that Russia has not been able to make any major breakthroughs. Her forces achieved minor territorial gains, but paid a very high price. And now weapons and ammunition are coming from NATO allies. Therefore, I am sure that Ukraine can absolutely win, — noted Stoltenberg.

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