Sweden approves $7 bn in military support for Ukraine
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Sweden approves $7 bn in military support for Ukraine

Government of Sweden
Government of Sweden

The Swedish government has agreed with the pro-government Sweden Democrats on a program of additional military support for Ukraine totaling 75 billion kroner ($7.01 billion) over three years.

$7 billion in aid will be distributed evenly over three years

With this proposal, Sweden's total military and civilian support to Ukraine will amount to over SEK 100 billion.

Military aid to Ukraine can, for example, be a free transfer of defence equipment, financial contributions, or financial support to purchase defence equipment.

In order to strengthen Swedish support for Ukraine, the government and the "Swedish Democrats" agree to introduce a framework program of military support for Ukraine for 2024-2026. Sweden will increase support, and the framework is SEK 75 billion in military support for 2024-2026, SEK 25 billion per year, the Swedish government said in a statement.

Europe's security situation is the most serious since the World War II

At the same time, the government noted that this program could burden state finances for several years and even after 2026.

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the security situation in Europe is the most serious since World War II. It means that the rearmament inside the country should continue simultaneously with the support of Ukraine.

Therefore, the cooperation parties also agree that support to Ukraine is carried out in such a way as not to undermine the development of Sweden's defence potential and not harm other necessary reforms, the Swedish government reported.

Swedish Defence Minister Pal Jonsson has estimated that it will take up to two years after his country joins NATO to reach the desired capacity to provide Ukraine with more ammunition and strengthen its armed forces.

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