Swedish army commander warns of Putin's plan to take control of Baltic Sea
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Swedish army commander warns of Putin's plan to take control of Baltic Sea

Source:  RND

According to the Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces, Mikael Büden, the illegitimate President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, plans to take control of the Baltic Sea.

Putin wants to expand his influence beyond the borders of Ukraine

As Buden explains, whoever controls the Swedish island of Gotland controls the Baltic Sea.

He is currently recording all the signs that the Russian dictator intends to establish control over Gotland.

Yes, I am sure that Putin even has both eyes on Gotland. Putin's goal is to gain control of the Baltic Sea. He probably also has his eye on the Åland Islands. The Russians are closely monitoring what is happening at the entrances and exits to the Baltic Sea.

Mikael Buden

Mikael Buden

Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces

He believes that if the Russia can take control and close the Baltic Sea, it will have a huge impact on life in Sweden and all other Baltic Sea countries.

That is why Buden calls on the international community to do everything possible to prevent the Baltic Sea from becoming a playground for Putin, where he can intimidate NATO members.

He also reminded that Gotland is Swedish territory, so Sweden is responsible for its defence and Gotland has the right to defend itself.

Why is Gotland so important?

There was a period in Sweden's history when it minimised its military presence on the island — only a volunteer unit of the National Guard was based there.

Those peaceful times are over. The war in Ukraine changed the political situation in Europe, and we had to massively arm Gotland. Sweden defends Gotland and can also use the island for offensive operations if necessary,” explained the Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces.

Currently, the Swedish authorities are interested in keeping the sea route open and in controlling what happens above and below the surface of the water.

But if Putin invades Gotland, he will be able to threaten NATO countries from the sea. This would be the end of peace and stability in the Northern and Baltic regions.

Mikael Buden

Mikael Buden

Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces

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