The EU reacted to the offensive of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region
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The EU reacted to the offensive of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region

Source:  Ukrinform

Within the limits of its defensive war against the illegal aggression of the Russian Federation, Ukraine has the right to launch strikes against the enemy wherever it deems necessary, including on its territory. This position was taken by the representatives of the European Union.

Points of attention

  • The European Union stands firmly behind Ukraine's right to self-defense and considers its actions in the Kursk region as part of a legitimate defensive war against Russian aggression.
  • Ukraine has the legal right, supported by the US State Department, to launch strikes against the enemy on both its own territory and enemy territory within the framework of self-defense.
  • EU spokesperson emphasizes Ukraine's legitimate defensive war status and condemns Russian aggression, emphasizing Ukraine's right to defend itself based on international law.
  • Despite Russia's attempts to discredit Ukraine's defensive actions, the EU provides unwavering support for Ukraine's stance against illegal aggression in the ongoing conflict.
  • The US State Department confirms that Ukraine's actions in the Kursk region do not violate US restrictions on American weapons supplied to Kyiv, highlighting the support provided by the United States in terms of means and consultations.

Ukraine is waging a legal defensive war — the EU

This was stated by EU spokesman Peter Stano during a press briefing in Brussels on August 8.

We believe that Ukraine is waging a legitimate defensive war against illegal aggression, and as part of this legitimate right to self-defense, Ukraine has the right to strike the enemy where it sees fit, on its own territory, but also on enemy territory.

Peter Stano

Peter Stano

Spokesperson of the EU

This is how Stano commented on the question of whether the offensive operation of the Defense Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region will be considered part of the legal right of Ukrainians to self-defense.

The EU spokesman emphasized that the position of the European Union regarding Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine remains unchanged and consists in full support of Ukraine in its legitimate right to self-defense.

Our principled and general position is that Ukraine was subjected to illegal aggression. So, Ukraine is waging a legitimate defensive war. According to international law, Ukraine has the right to defend itself, and this right also includes the task of striking the enemy on its territory.

The US State Department commented on the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kurshchyna

Ukraine's actions in the Kursk region do not violate US restrictions on the use of American weapons supplied to Kyiv, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters on August 7.

According to him, the Ukrainians "did not inform in advance about their tactics, but this is not surprising."

This is a war they are waging, he added, stressing that the United States provides Ukraine with the necessary means and consultations. "As for the daily strikes, sometimes we communicate with them, sometimes not," Miller added, stressing that Ukraine makes its own decisions.

Commenting on the relevant statements of the Russian leadership, he noted:

I saw a message from the Russian authorities. It is a bit too much on their part to call it a provocation, given that Russia has been violating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine since 2014.

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