The GRU of the Russian Federation spreads disinformation about the "partisan movement in Ukraine"
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The GRU of the Russian Federation spreads disinformation about the "partisan movement in Ukraine"

Russian special services
Source:  Ukrinform

The main intelligence agency of Russia is conducting an information operation aimed at attempts to issue commissioned sabotage for the activities of the "partisan movement in Ukraine."

Points of attention

  • The GRU of the Russian Federation is conducting an information operation aimed at destabilizing Ukraine by spreading disinformation about the “partisan movement in Ukraine”.
  • Russian special services use bloggers abroad to propagate a negative narrative about Ukrainian servicemen and mobilization.
  • The Russian propaganda campaign involves attempts to recruit saboteurs through call centers and social networks, targeting individuals with financial needs or seeking "easy money".

Russian special services spread disinformation about the "partisan movement in Ukraine"

Russia continues to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.

This was reported by Andriy Kovalenko, head of the Center for Combating Disinformation at the NSDC.

There are cases of pasting leaflets with an appeal to earn money by setting fire to cars. There are also cases of graffiti — inscriptions against mobilization. This entire campaign is embedded in the anti-mobilization campaign conducted by the Russian Federation, in particular the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Federation. In addition, work is underway to try to pass all this off as underground activity.

Andriy Kovalenko

Andriy Kovalenko

Head of the CPD

Kovalenko explained that the Russians have crystallized a separate group of "evaders" who, according to their narrative, operate in Ukraine. The narrative is being spread, in particular, with the help of bloggers who are currently abroad, but who highlight the so-called "crimes against Ukrainians committed by TCC employees."

They are trying to pass this off (the so-called "activities of evaders" — ed.) as the existence of a separate movement against mobilization, and they say that this movement is gaining momentum, that almost a partisan movement is forming in Ukraine. Then some symbolism will be proposed. That is, it is a planned operation. Our special services have this information.

Kovalenko also noted that the GRU of the Russian Federation is trying to find executors to set fire to the cars of military personnel not only through Telegram, but also through call centers that work from Ukrainian numbers that call Ukrainians and spread disinformation.

According to him, Russians are betting on people who have financial needs, as well as on young people inclined to "easy money".

The head of the CPD noted that the Russians offer up to 2,000 dollars, but the performers do not receive the funds. He noted that, on the one hand, the Russians are fooling the arsonists by not paying the money, on the other hand, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies quickly apprehend the perpetrators. Kovalenko emphasized that settlement in cryptocurrency for arson will also not pass, since crypto wallets can be tracked.

If these people themselves do not understand that they are doing evil, we must create such an atmosphere in society, such an attitude towards them, that it will be much more difficult for them to agree to such activities.

Rospropagandists spread a fake about the mobilization of women in Ukraine

On August 1, Russian propagandists launched disinformation about the mass conscription of women in Ukraine.

The TG channel "Bloknot Propagandist" distributed photos of women in military uniform at a military training ground, and added the following comment:

Mass training of women for military operations has begun at Ukrainian training grounds. Zelensky lied when he said that there would be no women at the front. However, as always.

CPD denied this fake Russian propaganda.

In fact, the specified photos were published in the article entitled "Buchansk witches" — women who hold the sky over the Kyiv region" of the Ukrainian local publication "My Kyivshchyna", and refer to the women's voluntary formation of the territorial community.

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