The occupiers of the Russian Federation forcibly keep children from Luhansk region in a military camp in Novosibirsk
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The occupiers of the Russian Federation forcibly keep children from Luhansk region in a military camp in Novosibirsk

The occupiers of the Russian Federation forcibly keep children from Luhansk region in a military camp in Novosibirsk

Russia took children from the occupied Bilovodsk of the Luhansk region to a military camp in the Novosibirsk region.

Points of attention


  • In the "Young Army Soldiers" camp, the Russians forcefully train Ukrainian schoolchildren aged 11 to 17 in military affairs.
  • The documentary "Mutilated Childhood" reveals the truth about the abduction of Ukrainian children by Russia from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.
  • The film presents real stories of children who became victims of Russia's war against Ukraine and detailed comments from experts.
  • The children were captured by Russians, tortured, abducted to health camps and filtering measures, and separated from their parents.

The Russians keep Ukrainian children in a military camp

As noted, in the tent city, which the Russians call the "Young Army Soldiers" camp, schoolchildren aged 11 to 17 are forcibly trained in military affairs.

In particular, the Russians call it "chief assistance" to the so-called "LPR". Children are taught tactical, fire and formation training there. However, their parents do not know about this.

The camp is located next to the training ground, where training is conducted within the framework of the federal project "Faces of Friendship".

What is known about Russia's abduction of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine

In 2023, the Online.UA team presented the documentary "Mutilated Childhood", which reveals the truth about Russia's abduction of Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

The film contains real stories of children and their families affected by Russia's war against Ukraine, comments by leading scientists, psychologists, lawyers and experts on the protection of children's rights.

The heroes of the tape went through Russian captivity, torture, abduction to a health camp, some were separated from their parents during the so-called filtering measures.

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