Situation near Vovchansk is difficult, a threat of city surrounding by Russians is possible, says Ukraine's military
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Situation near Vovchansk is difficult, a threat of city surrounding by Russians is possible, says Ukraine's military

Russian occupiers may surround Vovchansk

According to Denys Yaroslavskyy, the commander of one of the divisions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the situation in Vovchansk of the Kharkiv region is currently difficult.

What is known about the situation in the Vovchansk region

Yaroslavskyy noted that Vovchansk is currently on the verge of encirclement.

Today the 1st Battalion of 57th Brigade Strike Air Reconnaissance halted the Storm Z advance, the brigade art worked brilliantly and finished off Company Z along with their fire support equipment. But the enemy is taking vore reserves. Street battles have begun, the city can be surrounded. I say this because we may perish, and no one will hear the truth. And why was then anything for? stressed the military man.

He said the first line of defence of fortifications and minefields was virtually absent.

Yaroslavskyy emphasised that the Russian invaders in the north of the Kharkiv region launched an offensive in the so-called "grey zone", which should not have existed.

In 2 years, concrete fortifications in minus 3 floors were supposed to stand on the Ukrainian border! And there were not even mines. We come to the opinion that this is either a rampant robbery or deliberate sabotage, emphasised the military man.

Yaroslavskyy added that the Armed Forces are losing people and territories and are doing what they already did on September 22.

What Western analysts say

According to analysts in the SkyNews article, the sudden offensive of the occupation army of the Russian Federation in the border areas of the Kharkiv region may be a well-thought-out plan of the Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin to capture the Donetsk region.

Russia has once again opened a major front in its war with Ukraine, which will stretch Kyiv's already understaffed and underarmed forces, which are waiting for Western weapons, notes Security and Defence Editor Deborah Haynes.

She noted that if Ukraine is defeated in the Kharkiv region, the occupying army will be able to facilitate its offensive in the Donetsk region.

This, in turn, will threaten such cities as Sloviansk and Kramatorsk.

By intensifying attacks in the direction of Kharkiv, Russia can force the Ukrainian command to transfer resources from the east to the northeast, which will weaken their defense line in Donbas, which is already under a huge load, the analyst explains.

She emphasised that the occupying army of the Russian Federation chose the optimal time to launch an offensive in the Kharkiv Region.

Haynes emphasised that European partners could not compensate Ukraine for the delay in aid from the United States.

She also noted that the aggressor country, Russia, very quickly transferred the economy to military lines, while Western states have not done so so far.

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