Austin: The US and its allies continue to support Ukraine on the battlefield
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Austin: The US and its allies continue to support Ukraine on the battlefield

Lloyd Austin's visit to Ukraine

According to the Pentagon chief, Lloyd Austin, the US together with its allies, will continue to support Ukraine in the criminal war unleashed by Russia.

Ukraine will continue to receive aid from the United States and its partners

Austin noted that he had the great honour of holding a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv.

He noted that this allowed him to confirm once again Ukraine's unwavering support from the US and its partners.

We, together with our allies and partners, will continue to provide support to Ukraine in meeting its urgent needs on the battlefield and long-term defense needs, the Pentagon chief said.

What is known about the prospects for further assistance from the United States

According to the journalists of the publication, Austin assured the leadership of Ukraine that military and other support would continue despite the resistance of some representatives of the Republican Party in Congress.

According to the interlocutors of the publication from the delegation of the head of the Pentagon, despite the problems, the USA will be able to continue the supply of long-range weapons and artillery ammunition to Ukraine for some time.

According to a high-ranking official from the Pentagon, Ukraine and Israel need a certain amount of the same weapons in the wars waged against them, but even so, the amount of military aid provided to both countries by the US is not reduced.

In addition, as the journalists of the publication note, the purpose of the visit of representatives of the US Ministry of Defense to Ukraine is also the desire to get acquainted with the details of Kyiv's strategy in the future war against the Russian Federation.

The Pentagon expects that during the winter, the criminal army of the Russian Federation will launch massive attacks on energy and other strategic infrastructure in Ukraine.

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