The USA warned about Putin's new plan for Ukraine
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The USA warned about Putin's new plan for Ukraine

Source:  ISW

The American Institute for the Study of War has concluded that the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, has developed a new approach to waging war against Ukraine. Currently, the dictator is counting on the fact that Russia can slowly absorb Ukraine through a gradual offensive and depletion of the armed forces.

Points of attention

  • Putin wants to achieve the gradual depletion of Ukrainian forces.
  • The dictator's strategy makes him immune to peace negotiations, he will demand the surrender of Ukraine.
  • Maxim Zhorin, deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade, warns about the difficult situation at the front and the danger of attempts at peace negotiations with the aggressor country.

Putin is preparing for a long-term war

According to American analysts, the Kursk operation of the Defense Forces of Ukraine really affects the Russian military at the operational level.

However, what is important to understand is that it has not in any way changed the strategy of the Russian dictator, who plans to seize all Ukrainian territories.

Putin believes that Russia can slowly absorb Ukraine through a gradual offensive and that Russia can achieve its goals through a war of attrition against Ukrainian forces, the ISW team emphasizes.

According to foreign experts, this strategy makes the Russian dictator immune to peace negotiations on other terms, except for the capitulation of Ukraine and the West to his demands.

In addition, the American Institute for the Study of War emphasizes that Putin concluded his visit to Mongolia by signing agreements that strengthen bilateral economic ties and trilateral energy relations between Russia, Mongolia and the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Why Ukraine should not agree to negotiations with Russia

Such a warning was voiced by the deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade, ex-commander of the "Azov" regiment, Major Maksym Zhorin of the AFU in an interview with Online.UA.

According to him, currently the situation at the front is really difficult and dangerous, but this is not a reason to sit down at the negotiating table with the aggressor country.

Zhorin predicts that Russia may agree to a conditional pause, but that it will end immediately as soon as the enemy retrains.

At this time, any agreements, negotiations, promises will end, they will forget about all this (Russians — ed.).

According to the deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade, the second strike of Russia on Ukraine could be fatal, therefore the enemy cannot be given time to prepare for it.

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