The world is already at war with new axis of evil, says British MP
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The world is already at war with new axis of evil, says British MP

World War III
Source:  The Telegraph

British parliamentarian Ian Duncan Smith is convinced that the Third World War has already begun, but the international community continues to ignore this fact.

Points of attention

  • A new "axis of evil" is forming in the world with totalitarian states that support Russia's aggression.
  • The West is retreating from autocracies, and the inaction of world leaders is creating new problems.
  • China plays a key role in this story.

The West is already at war with the "axis of evil"

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a group of totalitarian states formed around the aggressor countries, namely China, North Korea, and Iran.

In addition, the list of totalitarian fellow travellers is increasing — from Syria and Myanmar to some countries of the Persian Gulf and a significant number of African states.

Russia’s crimes are, of course, well known, many of them committed as part of Vladimir Putin’s quest to restore the borders of the old Soviet Union. After the Kremlin got away with its war of aggression against Georgia in 2008, its illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 was followed by its brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Ian Duncan Smith draws attention to the fact that a new "axis of evil" is growing before everyone's eyes, but the international community pretends not to notice this process.

According to the British parliamentarian, the West is already at war with Russia and its allies but is doing little to win it.

The West has raised a powerful enemy for itself

and the stark reality is that we are losing without even realising it. Since the end of the Cold War, democracy has been in gradual retreat. Now, for the first time in years, more independent states are governed by autocracies, Iain Duncan Smith emphasises.

He also added that China plays a decisive role in this story.

The British politician reminds that Western governments massively stimulated the economy of this country and, as a result, became completely dependent on the PRC.

Over the past decades, China has become a powerful monster that can no longer be controlled.

The worst thing is that he is actively deepening his cooperation with the Russian Federation.

Yet now the growth of totalitarian states, and the West’s failure to act, is redolent of appeasement in the 1930s, with all its consequences. No, it’s not some mythical “end of history”, but only history repeating itself, the politician warned.

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