Trump accused Harris of dragging the US into a war with Russia
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Trump accused Harris of dragging the US into a war with Russia


The US presidential candidate, Republican Donald Trump, accused his opponent, Democrat Kamala Harris, of dragging the country into a war with Russia. Allegedly, it will bring back conscription and force the Americans to participate in an armed conflict against the Russian army.

Points of attention

  • Trump said that every vote for Harris is a vote for armed conflict with Russia.
  • The Republican accused the opponent of drawing the USA into a war with the Russian Federation.
  • According to Trump, the United States can go to war with Russia, but it is better to avoid it.

Trump accused Harris of drawing the US into a war with the Russian Federation

At a pre-election rally in Las Vegas, the Republican said that every vote for a Democrat is a vote for an armed conflict with the Russian Federation.

Remember: a vote for Comrade Kamala Harris is a vote for war with Russia. Does anyone want to go to war with Russia?

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Candidate for the presidency of the United States from the Republican Party

After that, the ex-president of the USA said that the United States can fight against the Russian Federation, but it is better not to allow this.

According to Trump, if he were the current head of state, Russia would not have attacked Ukraine. It was not the first time he repeated the thesis that under his presidency, Putin would not have dared a full-scale invasion.

Trump accused Harris of allegedly wanting to bring back military service. However, New York Times sources deny his claim.

US presidential election

Americans will vote for the next head of state on November 5, 2024. They will choose between former president and Republican Party candidate Donald Trump and US Vice President, Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris.

Most experts agree that the victory of a democrat is beneficial to Ukraine. She publicly supports our country and promises to help in the future.

Trump, on the other hand, made ambiguous statements regarding support for Ukraine. A number of experts and politicians believe that he may stop helping Kyiv.

Trump has repeatedly said that he will end the war in Ukraine in a day. However, he never once said exactly how he would do it.

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