Trump threatens to bomb Moscow to protect Ukraine
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Trump threatens to bomb Moscow to protect Ukraine

Donald Trump

The former US President, Donald Trump, during one of the fund-raising events for his election campaign, surprisingly for everyone, began to claim that he would bomb Moscow and Beijing.

Trump publicly challenged Russia

According to Western journalists, at fund-raising events, the odious Republican often discusses topics related to foreign policy.

During one such event, the former head of the White House unexpectedly announced that he would bomb Moscow and Beijing if Russia invaded Ukraine or China occupied Taiwan during his presidency.

In this way, the politician made it clear to his voters that he is allegedly ready to take radical actions for the sake of protecting Ukraine, if he becomes the head of the White House again.

The editors of The Washington Post noted that the former US president surprised some donors with such loud statements.

What is important to understand is that during Donald Trump's first presidential term, Russia was already waging a war of aggression against Ukraine, and he was unable to do anything to stop the aggressor country.

Trump threatened US allies with a Russian attack

Amid this, it is important to recollect the incident when Donald Trump, while serving as the US president, threatened to "encourage Russia" to attack one of the NATO members who do not fulfill their financial obligations to the Alliance.

As it turned out, he told one of the NATO leaders that he would not defend a non-contributing country if it was attacked by Russia and would "encourage it [Russia — ed.] to do whatever the hell it wants."

I said, "You didn't pay? Did you break the law?"... "No, I'm not going to defend you, in fact I'm going to encourage them to do whatever they want. You have to pay.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Ex-US president

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