Trump's advisers prepare plan for Russo-Ukrainian war's end: details
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Trump's advisers prepare plan for Russo-Ukrainian war's end: details

Source:  Reuters

Two advisers of former American leader Donald Trump — Keith Kellogg and Fred Fleitz — presented him with a plan to end Russia's war against Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • Trump's team is considering a plan to end Russia's war against Ukraine, which involves negotiations and support from Kyiv.
  • It is also possible to stop military aid to Ukraine in case of refusal of negotiations, as well as increase support in case of Russia's refusal to negotiate.
  • The republican's advisers believe that the probability of Ukraine returning the entire territory is extremely low, and emphasize the need for additional security guarantees for the country.

Trump is already preparing to end the Russo-Ukrainian war

According to the new plan, after the possible election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States, he can stop the supply of military aid to Ukraine if it refuses to negotiate.

Russia's dictator Putin will be warned that any refusal to negotiate will increase support for Kyiv.

In addition, it is emphasised that a ceasefire based on the existing contact lines is expected during the peace talks.

We tell the Ukrainians: "You must sit down at the negotiating table, and if you don't sit down at the negotiating table, the support from the United States will stop. And you say to Putin: "He must sit down at the negotiating table, and if you don't sit down at the table, then we will give the Ukrainians everything they need to kill you on the battlefield, — Keith Kellogg briefly described the essence of the new plan.

According to their proposal, Moscow could also be forced to the negotiating table, postponing Ukraine's promise of membership in NATO for a long time.

Trump's team does not believe that Ukraine will be able to return all its territories

According to Fred Fleitz, Kyiv does not need to formally cede territory to Russia according to their plan.

However, according to the Republican advisers, the probability that Ukraine will be able to regain control over its entire territory is extremely low.

They also added that additional security guarantees are needed for Ukraine to achieve lasting peace.

Arming Ukraine to the teeth is likely to be a key element of this, Flyets suggested.

According to him, Donald Trump has already studied and evaluated the new plan for ending the war exceptionally positively.

However, it is currently unknown whether the Republican team will stop at this particular strategy.

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