UK, Latvia launch competition to provide thousands of drones for Ukraine
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UK, Latvia launch competition to provide thousands of drones for Ukraine

Government of Great Britain

Great Britain and Latvia have announced they will lead a new Drone Capability Coalition, designed to quickly supply Ukraine with tens of thousands of drones for first-person view (FPV).

Points of attention

  • Great Britain and Latvia have formed the Drone Capability Coalition to supply Ukraine with thousands of first-person surveillance drones.
  • The competition for the supply of FPV drones to Ukraine will be held until June 28, 2024, and is open to representatives of the countries of the Contact Group on Defence of Ukraine.
  • Successful companies that receive an order can look forward to further orders and collaboration with the Drone Capability Coalition.
  • Drones with a first-person view have already proven effective for Ukrainian operators, providing critical situational awareness of enemy positions on the battlefield.
  • The Drone Coalition includes countries that have pledged to support Ukraine in supplying drones and are considering expanding their membership.

What is known about the competition for the drone supply in Ukraine

Today, Great Britain and Latvia opened a tender for companies to supply FPV drones to Ukraine on behalf of the Drone Capability Coalition. This competition aims to produce these drones on a large scale and at affordable prices, taking advantage of Western industry.

Industry can find detailed information on how to apply through the Defence Sourcing Portal. This competition is open to representatives of any country in the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine.

Companies have until June 28, 2024, to submit their proposals, which will be reviewed and evaluated by members of the Drone Capability Coalition. Successful companies will receive orders for the supply of drones to Ukraine, and after receiving positive feedback on the work, it is planned to place larger orders for FPV drones. Additional FPV competitions are expected to be held by 2024 based on the lessons learned from this first competition.

Unmanned aerial vehicles with a first-person view have proven highly effective on the battlefield since the full-scale Russian invasion, providing Ukrainian operators with situational awareness to target enemy positions, armored vehicles and ships with explosive ordnance.

The coalition members are Great Britain, Latvia, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, and Ukraine. Other countries are considering joining the coalition.

Drone Coalition for Ukraine

A number of countries announced the creation of the Drone Coalition, which aims to purchase drones for Ukraine. Recently, Latvia reported that it is preparing to send the first batch of drones to Ukraine.

According to the Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Kateryna Chernogorenko, Ukraine provides allies participating in the Drone Coalition with the results of testing their drones on the battlefield.

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