Ukraine can receive the first F-16 in a few weeks
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Ukraine can receive the first F-16 in a few weeks


Ukraine may receive the first F-16 fighter jets from its partners in the next few weeks.

Points of attention

  • Ukraine is set to receive the first F-16 fighter jets in the coming weeks to strengthen air defense and protect ground-based facilities.
  • The F-16s equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles will provide Ukraine with a technological edge, although questions remain about the availability of missiles.
  • While the F-16s can boost morale and offer protection, it is emphasized that they may not alter the dynamics of the conflict on the front line with Russia.
  • Ukrainian officials anticipate gradual training of pilots to operate the F-16s and face challenges in protecting the aircraft due to the proximity of Ukrainian airfields to Russian missiles.
  • Despite its advantages in radar capabilities and engagement range, the F-16 still poses challenges in matching the newer Russian military technologies.

What is known about the preparation for the reception and use of the F-16 in Ukraine

At the same time, as the journalists of the publication note, Western high-ranking officials emphasize that we should not expect that these combat aircraft will change the situation at the front in the criminal war unleashed by Russia.

It is emphasized that the first F-16s, most likely, will perform the tasks of strengthening air defense.

They are unlikely to approach the front line and are unlikely to take part in an attack on the targets of the occupying army of the Russian Federation in the vicinity with the front line.

Ukraine should receive the first F-16s from its partners in a few weeks

Western officials emphasize that at the initial stage it remains unclear whether these planes will be able to interfere with attacks by Russian aircraft near the Ukrainian border.

Journalists of the publication refer to the statement of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, who estimates that at least a hundred F-16s are needed to fight the aviation of the criminal army of the Russian Federation.

Becca Wasser, an analyst at the Center for a New American Security, notes that F-16s can be very effective as a morale booster for the Ukrainian military and as a way to intimidate Russians mobilized for a criminal war.

They can also meet urgent needs because they can shoot down enemy aircraft and engage ground targets, she said.

Ukraine also cannot afford unjustified losses of experienced pilots.

At the same time, the process of training Ukrainian pilots to use the F-16 can be extremely gradual.

What is known about the armament and conditions of placement of the F-16 in Ukraine

Journalists refer to the word of one unnamed Ukrainian military official who stated that Ukraine will receive F-16s equipped with AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles, which are also used by NASAMS air defense in Ukraine.

According to him, the flight range of one of the versions of these missiles will be more than 100 km.

However, Ukraine has a certain limited number of AIM-120 missiles, which will have to be divided between the F-16 and NASAMS air defense systems.

At the same time, there are questions regarding the protection of F-16 ground-based facilities, since all Ukrainian airfields are within the range of Russian missiles.

According to a Ukrainian military official, the Ukrainian leadership does not see the possibility of building covered concrete hangars to protect aircraft.

It is planned that the planes will be protected by camouflage.

Advantages of the F-16 include a radar that can detect targets up to 125 miles away, making them safer because pilots don't have to get close to enemy planes to engage them.

Although the F-16 is superior to Ukraine's existing fighters, it is still an old-generation fighter compared to the newer, more advanced Russian Air Force.

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