Ukraine's parliament sets basic general military training in educational facilities
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Ukraine's parliament sets basic general military training in educational facilities


The Verkhovna Rada generally supported bill No. 11092 on improving the initial combined military training system. The training is proposed to be conducted in educational institutions, particularly schools and vocational schools.

Basic general military training will be imposed in schools

Ukrainian MPs Yaroslav Zheleznyak and Roman Hryschuk reported about the bill's adoption.

Currently, pre-conscription and initial general military training exist simultaneously and contradict each other. The new bill eliminates this inconsistency.

Instead of pre-conscription training, initial general military training will be introduced. It will be conducted at the third level of general secondary education — senior schoolers (10-11 grades), vocational and technical, professional pre-university, higher education institutions, etc.

According to Roman Hryshchuk, the draft law provides for the following changes:

  • a modular system of teaching is imposed, where each module is a separate important topic:

  • pre-medical assistance, civil protection, and information security;

  • obsolete topics are removed, in particular, milissuestraining;

  • greater emphasis on understanding the importance of defending one's country and learning new technologies used in modern warfare;

  • the possibility of involving veterans, as well as public and veteran organisations, in teaching the subject or individual modules.

The government allocated UAH 1.74 billion to update training centres

The initial general military training will consist of the discipline "Defence of Ukraine" and military-patriotic education.

New programs from "Defence of Ukraine" are currently being developed in agreement with the Ministry of Defence.

As MP Hryschuk noted, the government has allocated 1.74 billion hryvnias for updating the "Defence of Ukraine" training centers, purchasing equipment, interactive shooting ranges and improving the qualifications of teachers.

Minister of Education Oksen Lisovyi said six modules will be in the updated discipline. Among them is pre-medical assistance with elements of tactical medicine, topography and tactics.

There will also be engineering, which, in particular, involves mastering the skills of controlling unmanned vehicles, radio communication and various technologies related to the military context.

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