Ukrainian Defence Ministry to introduce e-reservation feature on Diia app
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Ukrainian Defence Ministry to introduce e-reservation feature on Diia app

Source:  Interfax-Ukraine

The Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine believes e-reservation should be launched soon. The Ministries of Economy and Digital Transformation jointly deal with this issue.

E-reservation feature to be introduced in Diia

The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine announced that it will launch the electronic reservation function from mobilisation on the Diia public services portal.

The Deputy Minister of Defense for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalisation, Kateryna Chernogorenko, informed on May 30.

The Ministry of Defence believes that e-reservation should be launched as soon as possible. It so happened that the Ministries of Economy and Digital Transformation are engaged in this track... E-reservation functionality will be launched on the Diia portal.

Kateryna Chernogorenko

Kateryna Chernogorenko

Deputy MOD chief

According to her, the ministry believes that "all companies that will book their people through an electronic resource should use positive discrimination."

Chernogorenko stressed that the Ministry had done everything it should have done to prepare for a single electronic register of conscripts, service members, and reservists.

What is known about the reservation

Currently, employees of state authorities, local governments, enterprises and organisations can be reserved following the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Cabinet of Ministers' decision now allows the reservation of 50% of conscripted employees of enterprises that are critical for the functioning of the economy.

In April, PM Denys Shmyhal instructed the ministries to update the decrees on the identification of critically important enterprises for which conscripts are reserved. He stated that the reservation should be fair and there should be clear criteria by which such businesses would be identified.

The Verkhovna Rada plans to register a bill on economic reservations. The Committee on Economic Development has proposals developed by a group headed by Committee Chairman Dmytro Natalukha. These proposals provide an opportunity for the employer to independently identify workers who are strategically important for supporting the vital activities of the business, pay each of them 20,000 UAH per month in military duty, and continue working and paying taxes.

Among 300,000 people in the Ukrainian IT sector, only 1.5% are reserved

Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov explained why experts in technological and innovative businesses, important for the economy of enterprises, should be reserved.

The head of the Digital Ministry, Mykhailo Fedorov, announced this on the Telegram social network.

Specialists in technological and innovative businesses, important for the economy of enterprises, must be reserved so that companies continue to fill the budget of our country.

Fedorov added that there are 700,000 booked people in Ukraine and only 4,000 from IT companies.

One IT professional working creates and maintains nearly three jobs in the economy. In total, more than 300,000 employees work in the IT sector, of which only 1.5% are reserved.

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