Ukrainian military captured Russian 'turtle tank' and its crew for the first time — video
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Ukrainian military captured Russian 'turtle tank' and its crew for the first time — video

Source:  ArmyInform

For the first time, the Ukrainian military captured a trophy enemy "turtle tank". In addition, they managed to capture Russian tankers.

Points of attention


  • The Ukrainian military used unmanned systems and artillery to stop the tank and capture the crew.
  • To eliminate enemy armored vehicles, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Security Service of Ukraine jointly used the maximum arsenal of armor-piercing weapons and unmanned systems.
  • The Russian aggressor used tank formations to attack Ukrainian positions, but the military forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Security Service of Ukraine effectively resisted these attacks.

How the Armed Forces captured the Russian 'turtle tank' for the first time

It is noted that this is the first case of capture of the Russian "turtle tank", which was captured in the Klishchiivka area in the Kramatorsk direction by soldiers of the 22nd separate mechanised brigade.

"Thanks to the unit of unmanned systems, an enemy tank was detected in the area of the village of Klishchiivka. After using UAV, the tank was dropped. The stricken tank and the disoriented crew of the enemy, trying to escape, lost any opportunity to find the right direction to return to their positions," says the messages

It is noted that the brigade's artillery stopped the tank at one of the lines, and the infantrymen from the mechanised battalion captured the crew along with the tank.

During negotiations with the crew, the driver-mechanic hid inside with a grenade and tried to blow up the tank. But our infantrymen found strong arguments for the conviction that it is better to live than to die, — the message explained.

SSU fighters destroyed over 1000 Russian tanks since the beginning of full-scale aggression

The most significant number of enemy armoured vehicles was destroyed during fierce battles in the Donetsk and Kharkiv regions.

Using heavy armored vehicles, the aggressor often tried to break through the positions of the Ukrainian defenders and provide cover for the assault groups of the occupiers. In addition, the enemy regularly engaged tank formations to carry out attacks on the fortified areas of the Defence Forces in Zaporizhzhia, the SSU notes.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) conducted effective combat operations with units of the Armed Forces to destroy Russian armoured vehicles by fire.

It is indicated that the maximum arsenal of armour-piercing weapons and unmanned systems was used against enemy tanks.

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