Ukrainian military conducting counterattacks and regaining lost positions, AFU officer says
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Ukrainian military conducting counterattacks and regaining lost positions, AFU officer says

AFU military

According to the OSTG "Khortytsia" speaker, the Ukrainian military successfully counterattacks and forces the Russian occupiers to go on the defensive in some areas.

Points of attention

  • The Ukrainian military successfully counterattacks and forces the Russian occupiers to go defensive.
  • The AFU took up firing positions and eliminated more than 960 enemy invaders in one day.
  • The spokesman talked about the intelligent use of artillery ammunition and successful counterattacks in various front areas.
  • According to the General Staff's information, the Ukrainian military repelled numerous enemy attacks in various directions, with the occupying army suffering significant losses.
  • At the front, fighting and repelling attacks continue in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson regions.

What is known about the successes of the Ukrainian military at the front

The defense forces also storm the enemy's positions, repulse his defensive lines and firing points. We also carry out our counterattack actions and take their firing positions and knock them out of the lines. Therefore, the tactical situation is quite dynamic, Voloshyn notes.

He emphasised that in some areas, the Ukrainian military counterattacks forced the Russian occupiers to go on the defensive.

At the same time, Voloshyn denied the acute shortage of artillery ammunition in the Ukrainian military.

Against the background of the enemy's use of a large amount of ammunition, they previously outnumbered us quantitatively, but our armed forces are outnumbered qualitatively. We spend every projectile wisely — direct in bullseye, — noted the OSTG "Khortytsia" speaker.

According to Voloshyn, over 960 Russian invaders, two tanks and 17 armoured vehicles, ten guns and mortars, as well as more than 20 units of automobile and special equipment, were eliminated in eastern Ukraine on June 16 alone.

In addition, as the OSTG "Khortytsia" emphasised, 42 shelters and eight warehouses with ammunition were destroyed along with the occupants.

At the same time, according to him, the enemy is harassing the aircraft, which drops aerial bombs.

In May alone, enemy aircraft dropped more than 3,200 glide bombs across the entire territory of Ukraine. And only since the beginning of June, the enemy army has dropped over 1,50 air shells precisely on the positions of our defenders and on peaceful settlements and cities, Voloshyn emphasised.

What did the General Staff report about it?

The report of the General Staff as of 13:00 on June 17 notes that since the beginning of the day, the Ukrainian military has engaged in battle with units of the occupation army of the Russian Federation 52 times.

Four skirmishes occurred in Vovchansk, Kharkiv regiob. The enemy is trying to dislodge Defense Forces units from occupied positions with the support of aviation.

The Ukrainian military has repelled four enemy attacks in the Kupiansk region since the beginning of the day.

Battles continued near Pishchane, Grekivka and Makiivka. The occupying army suffered losses and retreated.

In the direction of Siversk, the enemy tried to break through the Armed Forces' defence near the settlements of Ivanodariivka and Rozdolivka. Fighting continues there.

An enemy attack was repulsed in the Vyimka area.

Fighting continues in eight areas near Novooleksandrivka and Yevgenivka in the Pokrovsk region. Twenty attacks have already taken place.

Fighting has been going on in the direction of Kurakhovo since the beginning of the day near Georgiivka, Paraskovivka, and Krasnohorivka. Five enemy attacks have been recorded.

Another battle continues in the Krasnohorivka area.

The Russian invaders tried unsuccessfully to storm our positions near Staromayorske.

The enemy also carried out another unsuccessful attack on the left bank of the Dnipro in the Kherson region.

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