AFU lured into a trap and counterattacked Russians near Chasiv Yar
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AFU lured into a trap and counterattacked Russians near Chasiv Yar

Source:  Forbes

The brutal battle for Chasiv Yar between the Ukrainian defenders and the Russian invaders continues. As Forbes magazine discovered, the events on this part of the front are not currently developing as the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, had hoped.

Points of attention

  • The Russian army was trapped near Chasiv Yar, and it failed to implement plans to attack a vulnerable Ukrainian city.
  • Ukrainian defenders conducted a successful counterattack, preventing the enemy from entering the city and devastating the Russian forces.
  • The Russian Federation's losses remain high, which indicates the ineffectiveness of its strategy and the limited training of soldiers.

Russian soldiers lured into a trap near Chasiv Yar

Journalists noted that the small Ukrainian city on the edge of the contact line west of Bakhmut is highly vulnerable.

In addition, this settlement is dependent on a canal with two easy crossings.

Chasiv Yar should have been easy prey for the Russians, but it became a trap for them with battles of attrition. They achieved considerable success, but at the cost of thousands of casualties. The losses of Ukrainians are much smaller, Forbes emphasises.

Despite all the enemy's attempts to break through to the city, he still failed, and the new battle tactics did not work.

After a series of defeats, the Russians decided to use the TOS-1 and TOS-2 thermobaric missile systems of volley fire, however, this did not change the general situation, because Chasiv Yar is still under the control of the Armed Forces.

It is also worth noting that recently, the Russian soldiers managed to push back the Ukrainians in Kalinino for a short time. Still, the Ukrainian Armed Forces conducted a successful counterattack despite heavy shelling.

Why is the Russian army losing so much personnel?

According to UK intelligence, enemy casualties remained high during the current year, reaching over 1,200 daily in April and May.

What is essential to understand is that this is the highest rate since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine.

The high level of casualties is quite possibly a reflection of Russia's ongoing offensive, which is being conducted on a wide front. It is likely that most Russian forces receive only limited training. They are not capable of conducting complex offensive operations, the UK Ministry of Defence notes.

In addition, it is indicated that the enemy's main plan was to thin out the Ukrainians on the eastern flank before marching to Chasiv Yar.

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