UN mission suggests Okhmatdyt children's hospital hit by Russian missile
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UN mission suggests Okhmatdyt children's hospital hit by Russian missile

UN mission suggests Okhmatdyt children's hospital hit by Russian missile
Source:  Reuters

Kyiv Children's Hospital "Okhmatdyt" was destroyed with a "high probability" as a result of a direct hit by a Russian missile on July 8. This was the conclusion reached by the UN Monitoring Mission on Human Rights in Ukraine.

Points of attention


  • As a result of the Russian missile strike, the toxicology building was destroyed, and other departments of the hospital were damaged, as well as people were killed and injured.
  • The children were evacuated to other hospitals in the capital, the victims are currently hospitalised, and the SSU established that the Kh-101 missile hit Okhmatdyt.
  • Russian propaganda began to spread fakes, but there is already a video on the Internet proving that a rocket hit a children's hospital.
  • Moving the children to shelter during the air raid signal helped to avoid an even greater tragedy in "Okhmatdyt".

A Russian missile destroyed "Okhmatdyt" with a direct hit

The head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, Danielle Bell, said that at the time of the missile strike, there were 670 child patients and about a thousand hospital employees in "Okhmatdyt".

Analysis of the video footage and an assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the children's hospital suffered a direct hit rather than receiving damage due to an intercepted weapon system, Danielle Bell said.

Bell added that her team, which visited the scene on July 8, could not make a conclusion, but "the missile appears to have been launched by Russia."

Had the hospital staff not moved the children to the shelter when the air raid first sounded, the death toll could have been higher.

Russian missile attack on Okhmatdyt": What is currently known

"Okhmatdyt" is the largest children's hospital in Ukraine, where more than 20,000 children from all over the country are treated every year.

On July 8, Russia hit it with a missile and destroyed the toxicology building. Four more buildings of the medical facility were damaged.

10 surgical departments, five oncology departments, two somatic departments, intensive care, two intensive care units, operating units, radiology and radiation therapy departments, and part of the haematology oncology laboratory were affected.

Currently, the children have been evacuated to other hospitals in the capital.

Two adults have been confirmed dead in the "Okhmatdyt" hospital. One of them is a young doctor at a medical institution. So far, 16 victims are known. Eight of them are children. 15 victims were hospitalized

SSU established that Russia hit the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv with an KH-101 missile.

Instead, Russian propaganda cynically started spreading fakes about the alleged meeting of the General Staff next to the country's largest children's hospital, "Okhmatdyt".

However, Russian propagandists brazenly lie. After all, there is already a video on the Internet where the Russian missile directly hits the target — the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital.

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