Unknown persons committed a new large-scale sabotage in France
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Unknown persons committed a new large-scale sabotage in France

French Police
Source:  Bloomberg

Unknown people cut fiber-optic communication cables in nine departments of France.

Points of attention

  • The recent sabotage in France involved unknown attackers cutting fiber-optic communication cables in nine departments, leading to communication interruptions and the need for alternative routes.
  • Authorities and investigators are examining the vulnerability of the French communication network, highlighting the challenges in protecting a vast network of long-distance internet cables that pass through underground conduits and accessible locations.
  • The scale of the attack has shocked the French authorities, emphasizing the ease of accessing and cutting strategically important cables, raising concerns about the physical protection of these vital communication infrastructures.
  • The attack not only affected SFR but also other operators like Iliad SA's Free and Netalis, underscoring the widespread nature of the sabotage and the need for enhanced security measures.
  • Analysts point out that the geographical spread of the sabotage across different departments poses a significant challenge in safeguarding the extensive network of internet cables, with implications for service quality and internet speed.

What is known about the consequences of large-scale sabotage in France

Journalists of the publication, referring to the statement of the French telecommunications company SFR, note that the attack on the network was carried out on July 29 between one and three in the morning, Paris time.

It is emphasized that currently the provider is forced to use alternative routes to serve customers, although the redirection of traffic may lead to a decrease in speed.

In France, unknown persons attacked communication networks
French police

Representatives of other operators Iliad SA's Free and Netalis also announced attacks on their communication systems.

A representative of the Paris prosecutor's office said that law enforcement officers are analyzing the situation with regional colleagues.

What is known about the vulnerability of the French Internet network

Journalists of the publication note that this large-scale attack caught the French authorities by surprise.

What is impressive is the geographical scale of these cuts, which took place in nine different departments, - emphasizes the head of the telecommunications federation, Romain Bonenfant.

It is noted that France hosts a huge network of long-distance Internet cables, of which the SFR company alone accounts for 120,000 kilometers.

Cables usually run through underground conduits that are only accessible through manholes.

In some cases, these cables run along railway lines and rivers.

If you know where these strategic cables are, accessing them and cutting them is easy with the right tools. It is difficult to effectively protect these cables, given the number of physical access points that are used for service, - explains the researcher of cyber diplomacy at King's College London, Arthur Lodrain.

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