US ammo came to Ukraine's military, helping them to blast Russia's offensive - Forbes
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US ammo came to Ukraine's military, helping them to blast Russia's offensive - Forbes

Source:  Forbes

Forbes concluded that, as of mid-May, the Armed Forces of Ukraine already had enough ammunition to hold back the Russian army, and Ukraine's fate is improving.

AFU finally received additional help from the West

According to the journalists, the situation on the battlefield changed because the Ukrainian defenders started receiving shells.

Moreover, the bill on mobilisation came into force, accelerating the formation of new brigades.

The fate of Ukraine is improving and this is best seen in the city of Chasiv Yar, which the Russians are constantly storming. In the first days of their attack on this settlement, armored units of the Russian Federation advanced steadily to the north and south of Chasiv Yar, while the enemy infantry scouted the most vulnerable area of the city — the canal area, which lies on the open far side in the east of the city, — writes Forbes.

Journalists noted that the defence of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Chasiv Yar was weak and getting worse.

Subsequently, a pivotal battle began between the Russian invaders and Ukrainian logistics, which started to deliver American ammunition.

The soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were able to win this race — as of today, the garrison of Chasiv Yar has enough shells and successfully destroys the assault groups of the Russian army.

The Russian Federation will again lose the battle for Chasiv Yar

On May 17, a battalion of armoured vehicles of the Russian Federation numbering about 20 people left Donetsk and headed towards Chasiv Yar.

If it could have quickly achieved its goal earlier, now the Ukrainian army makes it impossible for the enemy to advance.

Despite quick successes in the first weeks of the Chasiv Yar assault, including entering the canal and, in some cases, crossing it in small groups, the Russians ultimately failed to gain a foothold on the other side and advance further, writes Frontelligence Insight.

It isessentialt to understand that the garrison of Chasiv Yar is not the only one who benefited from the arrival of long-awaited ammunition,

Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that for the first time during a full-scale war, no brigade can complain that it lacks artillery shells.

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