Walz's paradox. What's wrong with the US vice presidential candidate from Harris
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Walz's paradox. What's wrong with the US vice presidential candidate from Harris

Tim Walz
Source:  online.ua

Most adults in the United States have never even heard of Tim Walz, the governor of the state of Minnesota, whom Kamala Harris chose as her vice-presidential candidate.

Points of attention

  • More than 70% of the US adult population knows nothing about Tim Walz.
  • The other candidates Harris considered are also little known to the public.
  • Walz's low ratings could hurt Harris' campaign.
  • Tim Walz is a US National Guard veteran and third-term governor of Minnesota.

Tim Walz is currently little known in the US

This is confirmed by the results of the NPR/PBS/Marist survey.

As the journalists managed to find out, the majority of the adult population of the United States (71%) have never heard of Volz or do not know how to evaluate him.

It is worth paying attention to that. that Walz's unrecognizability rate is significantly higher than the two other vice presidential candidates Harris considered, Josh Shapiro and Mark Kelly.

53% and 52% of respondents have not heard of Shapiro and Kelly, or do not know how to rate them.

In addition, it is emphasized that 17% of the adult population of the United States have a positive attitude towards Volz, and 12% - negatively.

Tim Walz (Photo: flickr.com)

Also, the results of the survey indicate that Volz enjoys the support of 31% of Democratic Party members, while only 7% of party members have a negative attitude towards him.

It is important to understand that extremely low ratings of a politician can have a negative impact on the presidential campaign of Camila Harris.

What is currently known about Tim Walz

Volz, 60, is a veteran of the US National Guard and a former teacher who began his career in politics 20 years ago as a member of the House of Representatives.

In 2018, he was elected governor of Minnesota, holding this position for the third consecutive term.

On August 6, Kamala Harris officially announced Tim Walz as her running mate for governor of the state of Minnesota.

Volz said that joining the Harris campaign is the "honor of a lifetime."

"I'm all for it. Vice President Harris is a testament to the politics of the possible for us. It kind of reminds me of the first day of school. So let's do it, friends!" - he added, calling to join the Democrats' campaign.

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