We will not back down. Poland publicly humiliated Lavrov's team
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We will not back down. Poland publicly humiliated Lavrov's team

Poland closes another consulate of the Russian Federation
Source:  online.ua

On October 22, the head of Polish diplomacy, Radosław Sikorski, officially announced the closure of the Russian Consulate General in the city of Poznan.

Points of attention

  • Poland is trying to protect itself from the hybrid war waged by the Russian Federation.
  • Volodymyr Zelenskyi expressed hope for the positive development of relations with Poland during the country's presidency of the EU.
  • Poland and Ukraine protect their own interests, but communicate civilly.

Poland closes another consulate of the Russian Federation

The head of the Polish Foreign Ministry explained the need to close the Russian Consulate General in Poznan.

He drew attention to the fact that the aggressor country of the Russian Federation is waging a hybrid war and making sabotage attempts on Polish territory.

As the Minister of Foreign Affairs, it is my duty to respond decisively. The first step is to close the Russian consulate in Poznań. We will not retreat a single step. We defend the Republic of Poland, we defend the Poles.

Radoslav Sikorskyi

Radoslav Sikorskyi

Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland

What is important to understand is that there are three consulates of Russia in Poland — in addition to Poznań, they are Krakow and Gdansk.

Sikorsky hinted at the closure of the Russian consulate earlier, announcing a decision to counter sabotage by Moscow on Polish territory.

Zelensky commented on the current relations with Poland

According to Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyi, he hopes for further positive development of relations with Poland with the start of the neighboring country's presidency in the EU.

Considering the fact that Poland is our neighbor, Ukraine will in any case receive more positives from the Polish presidency.

Down or up — it changes. The main thing is not to be smooth, you know, like on a cardiogram, — answered the president when asked whether relations with Poland are moving downwards and whether Poland's presidency of the Council of the EU will become a challenge for Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelensky drew attention to the fact that both Kyiv and Warsaw have their own interests, and it is important that both states communicate with each other in a civilized manner.

At the beginning of the war, we had only one interest: Russia was the enemy. The war lasts a long time. Interests are different. They protect their interests. We are our own. But we are in a civilized dialogue — and that's good.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi

Volodymyr Zelenskyi

President of Ukraine

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