US, its partners must review their policy for Ukraine's victory, Western analysts say
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US, its partners must review their policy for Ukraine's victory, Western analysts say

Source:  Defense One

Defense One journalists and Western analysts note that despite advance of occupation army of Russian Federation at the front, Ukraine's situation is far from critical.

How the US and its partners can help Ukraine win the war faster

In particular, senior political scientist at RAND Andrew Radin notes that from the very beginning of the criminal war unleashed by Russia, the caution of US President Joe Biden's administration became noticeable.

Radin emphasised that the US is increasing military aid to Ukraine too slowly.

Towed artillery was announced in April 2022, HIMARS wheeled missile systems in June 2022, Patriot air defence in December 2022, ground combat vehicles in January 2023, cluster munitions in July 2023, and in April — about army tactical ground-based missile systems (ATACMS),” the authors of the material emphasise.

Analysts and journalists of the publication emphasise that a change in the US position on several issues could significantly improve Ukraine's military situation with minimal risk of dangerous Russian actions.

In particular, the Biden administration could lift the ban on Ukraine's use of American weapons for strikes on strategic objects and military targets on the territory of Russia.

In addition, as noted in the material, the US can expand its military presence in Ukraine.

Western advisers must understand the state and needs of the Defence Forces to ensure the necessary qualitative advantage.

It is noted that if US personnel die as a result of some tragic circumstances in Ukraine, the White House will have a wide range of measures to control the response to this incident.

In addition, analysts note that the United States should expand its operations in space and cyberspace in response to Russian cyberattacks against American space providers and jamming against NATO allies.

Russia can escalate by increasing the number of cyberattacks or other retaliatory actions, but it risks exposing its tricks and losing the ability to use such attacks in the future.

Additional US action could also prompt other Allies to step up their support, as allies traditionally rely on the U.S. as a leader. Germany did not provide Leopard tanks until the US provided Abrams. Perhaps further American support will lead to Germany providing the Taurus, its own long-range cruise missile. From a narrow American perspective, greater US involvement is an opportunity to test new capabilities and gain experience helping a partner confront a numerically superior adversary. Such experience can be very important for helping Taiwan resist Chinese aggression, Radin noted.

West wants to avoid a military confrontation with Russia

Russia cannot indefinitely bear disproportionate losses in personnel and material resources.

Lifting restrictions on American aid will allow Ukraine to distract Russian forces and overcome their numerical superiority, especially at a time when renewed Russian attacks are putting pressure on Ukraine.

The United States and its allies should take advantage of Russia's necessary restraint on NATO and do more to help Ukraine defeat Russia. The Biden administration was understandably cautious at the start of the war. Now there is an opportunity for a much more intensive role of the United States, the authors of the article emphasise.

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