Faith in soldiers and responsible commandership are keys to Ukraine's victory, Nemesis Group fighter says
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Faith in soldiers and responsible commandership are keys to Ukraine's victory, Nemesis Group fighter says

Felix "Dzhanich"

According to Nemesis Group fighter Felix "Dzhanych", it will be extremely difficult for Ukraine to defeat the Russian army without two main components. He shared his vision of the situation in an interview with Online.UA.

Points of attention

  • Belief in victory is the main element of successful struggle at the front.
  • It is necessary that each soldier takes his tasks seriously and acts in a coordinated manner.
  • The desire for justice should be the driver for action on the battlefield, not just revenge.
  • The word is a powerful weapon that helps fight and spread the truth.

The Nemesis Group is a community of Ukrainian Armenians who are descendants of the Bagratuni kingdom, who have been directly involved in combat operations in the war against Russia since the first days of the full-scale invasion. The chevrons depict Ashot the Iron — the king of Armenia from the Bagratuni family, and the patron of the Armenian army.

How Ukraine can defeat Russia on the battlefield

According to Felix "Dzhanych", Ukrainians will not be able to achieve decisive success at the front without believing that a great victory is possible.

The first thing is to believe in the fellas. The second is that absolutely all the chiefs who are in charge there and manage the boys give commands so that everyone thinks about the task that he will set and takes it seriously. And he gave his all because the military, the soldiers, needed it for the current period. He is an invaluable person.

Felix "Dzhanych"

Felix "Dzhanych"

Nemesis Group fighter

As the soldier admits, at the front he is personally driven by the desire to establish justice, not revenge.

He wants everyone to know the truth about this war and not to believe the lies spread by Russian propaganda.

The word is also a weapon that helps to fight

The reporter also asked the defender if he had certain special phrases that he usually shouts on the battlefield.

According to Dzhanych, one of them is, "Now I will show you what an Armenian holiday is."

Before cleaning, when we stopped to go in, everything had to be done quietly and carefully until the first contact, but if possible work quietly. I stand and say to my group: "now look, where the Armenian foot steps, there is always green grass and no one." That's how it happened, — recalls the Nemesis Group fighter.

As "Dzhanych" notes, he also got used to the phrase "hell, you ain't take me" during the last 10 years.

The defender assures: when an Armenian works, it is impossible to take him.

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