Ukrainian Deputy PM forecasts Ukraine to be invited to NATO shortly
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Ukrainian Deputy PM forecasts Ukraine to be invited to NATO shortly

Olga Stefanishyna
Source:  NV

The invitation for Ukraine to join NATO remains on the agenda of the Alliance and can be given literally at any moment. This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olga Stefanishyna.

Points of attention

  • Ukraine's membership in NATO is irreversible. This decision was supported by all members of the block.
  • Changes to the decision on Ukraine's accession to NATO require the general consensus of the 32 countries of the Alliance.
  • The leaders of the bloc confirmed that they can send Ukraine an invitation when all the conditions are met.

Stefanishyna analyzed the irreversibility of Ukraine's membership in NATO

Stefanyshyn draws attention to the fact that in the communique of the summit, the allies clearly stated that the path to NATO for Ukraine is irreversible.

It is important to understand that the negotiations regarding this wording were not easy.

However, together with our friends, we understood how important it is to establish that the future of Ukrainians cannot be a bargaining chip in negotiations with the aggressor. No threats, challenges or elections will change the fact that the future of Ukraine lies in NATO.

Olga Stefanishyna

Olga Stefanishyna

Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration

As Olha Stefanishyna notes, this decision was supported by 32 NATO countries, and accordingly, changes to this decision will require general consensus.

She also emphasized that Ukrainians should never lose hope, because an invitation to NATO can be given at any time.

While we are waiting for this moment, Ukraine is becoming more and more militarily and politically integrated with the Alliance, - concluded the Deputy Prime Minister.

What was the result of the NATO summit for Ukraine

As mentioned earlier, the communique of the Washington NATO summit established that Ukraine's path to the Alliance is irreversible.

Despite this, the Alliance members still did not invite Ukraine to join the bloc.

First of all, this is due to the fact that there is no appropriate consensus among the states.

According to French leader Emmanuel Macron, the USA and Germany are the most actively blocking the decision on Ukraine's accession.

In addition, it is emphasized, the communique of the summit indicates that NATO leaders will be able to send Ukraine an invitation to join "when the members of the Alliance agree and the conditions are met."

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