White House announces victory of Ukrainian army
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White House announces victory of Ukrainian army


US President Joe Biden's team announced the failure of the Russian offensive in the north of Kharkiv region. Ukraine's armed forces have once again been able to successfully stop the enemy.

US confirms the failure of offensive of Russian army in Kharkiv region

A representative of the US National Security Council, Michael Carpenter, made a loud statement on this matter.

He drew attention to the fact that the scale of Russian losses is currently simply insane, thanks to the professional and coordinated work of Ukrainian defenders.

In addition, it is emphasised that the Russian army has again not achieved any of the set goals.

Ukraine was able to, Ukraine stopped Russia, and we hope that Ukraine will continue to exercise its right, which clearly coincides with the UN charter — the right to defend itself, the representative of the White House emphasised.

It is also important to understand that the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are having success in the Lyptsi district of the Kharkiv region, but the enemy does not stop their attacks.

Moreover, Ukrainian soldiers were able to achieve minor advances north of Kharkiv in the direction of the village of Lyptsi against the backdrop of Russian attacks on May 27.

Near Vovchansk, the Russian army does not stop its assaults northeast of Kharkiv.

During this time, there were no confirmed changes on the front line in the Kharkiv direction. Geolocation footage indicates that the Armed Forces of Ukraine recently recaptured part of the territory in the fields north of Lyptsi, the report says.

Losses of the Russian army as of June 1, 2024:

The total combat losses of the enemy during the day approximately amounted to:

  • personnel — about 508,780 (+1,130) people,

  • tanks — 7740 (+12) units,

  • armored combat vehicles — 14,947 (+12) units,

  • artillery systems — 13184 (+44) units,

  • MLRS — 1088 (+0) units,

  • air defence equipment — 815 (+0) units,

  • aircraft — 357 (+0) units,

  • helicopters — 326 (+0) units,

  • UAVs of the operational-tactical level — 10617 (+30),

  • cruise missiles — 2230 (+1),

  • ships/boats — 27 (+0) units,

  • submarines — 1 (+0) units,

  • automotive equipment and tank trucks — 18,006 (+101) units,

  • of special equipment - 2181 (+17)

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