Why Ukraine is so important for the USA. The analyst called the non-obvious reason
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Why Ukraine is so important for the USA. The analyst called the non-obvious reason

The USA has no right to abandon Ukraine to its own devices
Source:  Politico

The US has a bitter experience of intervening in military conflicts in different parts of the world. In most cases, these were the mistakes of the authorities, which brought extremely negative results. However, the United States' support of Ukraine against the background of its war against the Russian Federation is truly an exception.

Points of attention

  • Ukraine's support is exceptional for the US amid failed attempts to intervene in other wars.
  • Ukraine is an ally of the United States, whose territory is seized by the aggressor, therefore cooperation is important for the implementation of the American mission.
  • Americans who support Ukraine do not impose their will or seek weapons of mass destruction, because their goal is to help in the struggle for freedom and sovereignty.

The USA has no right to abandon Ukraine to its own devices

Matt Gallagher, a writer, analyst and regular contributor to the Air Force Academy's Institute for Future Conflicts, shared his thoughts on the matter.

He drew attention to the fact that the United States really spent a lot of time on "perpetual wars" in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond.

However, the story with Ukraine is completely different.

We served in Iraq under false pretenses, in a country that for the most part saw us not as saviors but as invaders. This is not the case in Ukraine. I know this from personal experience working there as a volunteer trainer and journalist, as well as from numerous interviews with local residents and international legionnaires fighting on the front lines. The Ukrainian people really want and need our help, the analyst stressed.

It is in Ukraine that the USA can implement one of its main missions

According to him, there is a colossal difference between the war in Iraq and the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, since Ukraine is an ally of the United States, whose territory is seized by the aggressor.

Matt Gallagher points out that in the last version everything is clear, because it is clear what is really happening and how to react to it.

Americans who support Ukraine are not looking for weapons of mass destruction or imposing their will on the country, he added.

The analyst reiterated that trying to isolate himself from aid to Ukraine will neither morally nor pragmatically solve the situation globally.

To be honest, only in Ukraine do I think that America is capable of being what we call ourselves, - Haller explained.

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