Zelenskiy honored the leaders of the partner states on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine
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Zelenskiy honored the leaders of the partner states on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelenskyi

On August 24, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, awarded Prince Yaroslav the Wise, Princess Olga, and "For Merit" orders to the leaders of a number of foreign states, diplomats, and heads of international organizations. Zelenskiy also awarded Canadian Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau with the Order of Freedom.

Points of attention

  • President Zelenskiy awarded prestigious orders to leaders of partner states for their significant contributions to strengthening international cooperation and supporting Ukraine's sovereignty.
  • The list of awardees includes prominent figures and diplomats from Belgium, Estonia, Japan, Sweden, Costa Rica, Luxembourg, and other countries.
  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was honored with the Order of Freedom for his remarkable efforts in Ukrainian-Canadian relations.

Zelenskiy awarded the Order of Friends of Ukraine

The corresponding decree No. 576/2024 of August 23 was published on the website of the head of state.

According to the document, the awards are intended for a significant personal contribution to the strengthening of interstate cooperation, support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, popularization of the Ukrainian state in the world.

So, Zelenskiy awarded the Order of Friends of Ukrainey decided to award:

Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, 1st degree:

  • Alexander De Croo — Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium

  • Alara Karisa — President of the Republic of Estonia

  • Fumio Kishidu is the Prime Minister of Japan

  • Ulf Kristersson is the Prime Minister of Sweden

  • Robles Rodrigo Chavez — President of the Republic of Costa Rica

Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise II degree:

  • Xavier Bettel — Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Minister of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

  • Sorena Gele is the speaker of Folketing Denmark

Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise V degree:

  • Tomasz Kopechny — Government Commissioner for Reconstruction of Ukraine, Czech Republic

  • Tomas Pojara is the adviser to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic on national security issues

Order of Merit, 1st degree:

  • Luis Leonardo Almagero Lemesa — Secretary General of the Organization of American States

  • Jerzy Kshanowski (posthumously) — Honorary Consul of Ukraine in the city of Rzeszów in 2003-2021, Republic of Poland

  • Boris Pistorius — Federal Minister of Defense of Germany

Order of Merit II degree:

  • Pierre Elbron — Special Envoy of the President of the French Republic on Economic Aid and Reconstruction of Ukraine

  • Nicolas Le Nena is the head of the group on Ukraine under the Minister of the Armed Forces of the French Republic

  • Mikaela Ostrup Jensen is the chairman of the Foreign Policy Council of the Folketing of Denmark

Denise Brown , coordinator of the UN system in Ukraine in 2022–2024 (Canada), was awarded the III degree Order of Merit. Wolfgang Sobotka — President of the National Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Austria; Christian Freuding — head of the Special Staff "Ukraine" of the Federal Ministry of Defense of Germany, Major General, and 14 more friends of Ukraine.

The Order of Princess Olga 1st degree was awarded to Jennifer Grenholm , the US Minister of Energy; Maria Peychynovych-Burych — Secretary General of the Council of Europe; Penny Pritzker — to the US special representative for the economic recovery of Ukraine; Gini Raimondo — US Secretary of Commerce; Evitsi Silini is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia.

Laura Cooper , US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, was awarded the Order of Princess Olga II degree .

The Order of Princess Olga III degree was awarded to Adrienne Arsht — executive vice president of the Board of Trustees of the Atlantic Council, member of the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Arts, USA; Keri-Lynn Wilson is a conductor from the USA; Karin Ostrem Iko is the Director General of the National Archives of Sweden.

Justin Trudeau

Zelensky also awarded Canadian Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau with the Order of Freedom.

Decree on awarding Trudeau No. 575/2024 of August 23 was published on the website of the head of state.

Trudeau was awarded "for outstanding personal merits in strengthening Ukrainian-Canadian intergovernmental cooperation, support of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine," the document reads.

Zelenskiy awarded the Order of Friends of Ukraine congratulated Ukrainians on Independence Day

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy awarded the Order of Friends of Ukraine congratulated Ukrainians on the occasion of Independence Day.

Ukraine. Our land. Given by God. Kissed by the sun. Lulled by the winds. Tempered by fire. Protected by her sons and daughters. It cannot be confused with anything. It cannot be given to anyone. Happy Independence Day of Ukraine! — said the head of state.

The President noted that 33 years ago, Ukraine was reborn on world maps, and currently conquers the hearts of the world community, inspires courage and demonstrates how not to be afraid of the aggression of the Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin and the aggressor country Russia.

In the 21st century, terrorists should rest in The Hague, not Valdai. And no one in the world will ever say: "Where is Ukraine?" Because on every continent they now say: "Ukraine must win." It charges our independence. Our Ukraine. She does not lack foreign areas. We need peace and tranquility in our lands. Along our entire border, the length of which is 6,992 kilometers. On land, at sea, in the air, inside the country — wherever we will stand guard over our values, Zelenskiy noted.

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