Zelensky did not rule out holding elections in conditions of war
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Zelensky did not rule out holding elections in conditions of war

Volodymyr Zelenskyi
Source:  BBC

According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, if in the future it is not possible to end the criminal war unleashed by Russia, elections will have to be held in the conditions of hostilities.

Points of attention

  • President Zelensky recognizes the possibility of holding elections in wartime conditions but highlights the difficulties in technical organization and constitutional constraints.
  • Zelensky emphasizes the necessity of preserving Ukraine's territorial integrity and protecting the country from Russian aggression amid challenges in the election process during hostilities.
  • The President dismisses the prospect of freezing the conflict with Russia, stressing the importance of active measures to end the war and denouncing territorial concessions to the aggressor.
  • Zelensky questions the effectiveness of frozen conflict, expressing concerns about Putin's ambitions and the threat to Ukraine's sovereignty.
  • The leadership of Ukraine is committed to safeguarding its citizens while standing firm against territorial compromises, signaling readiness for negotiations with Russia while prioritizing national security.

What does Zelensky say about the probability of holding elections in conditions of war

I would gladly hold an election if possible. If the war drags on, one or another solution will have to be found. I don't know which one yet. It is difficult. These are changes to the Constitution of Ukraine, and the Constitution cannot be changed during wartime. Elections cannot be held during martial law, the head of state explains.

He emphasized that, in addition to purely legal ones, there are also technical difficulties with the organization of democratic expression of will in the conditions of armed aggression unleashed by Russia.

How can democratic elections be held in the trenches? There must be observers. No observers will come to the trenches. Further, we have people in the occupied territories, which means they will not vote. Otherwise, how will they vote, who will control this process? And we have even more than 7 million abroad. How to ensure that they vote? - says the president.

At the same time, he admitted that if the war continues, the authorities will have to look for ways to hold elections under the existing conditions.

What are the conditions and prospects for negotiations with Russia

According to Zelenskyi, the leadership of Ukraine strives to preserve the lives of citizens, but this does not indicate readiness for territorial concessions to the aggressor country.

For us, losing means losing our country. Someone says: "What is more important to you - territory or people?" How can you compare like that? People are important, but this does not mean that you can give them 30% of our land, - the president emphasizes.

Zelensky emphasized that freezing the conflict with the aggressor's preservation of already captured territory is not a good way out of the war.

Who told you they won't go further? Who said frozen conflict would work? He was already frozen. Who said that Putin doesn't just want to destroy us? He wants. He simply wants the return of the Soviet Union under his leadership until the end of his days - the head of state is convinced.

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