Zelenskyy names conditions for Russia's participation in the second Peace Summit
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Zelenskyy names conditions for Russia's participation in the second Peace Summit

Office of the President of Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that Russia can start peace talks even tomorrow if it withdraws from the territory of Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • Zelensky sees Russia's presence at the second Peace Summit as evidence of the decision to end the war in Ukraine.
  • The President of Ukraine emphasizes that Russia can start negotiations on the condition that its troops are withdrawn from Ukrainian territories.
  • The participants of the Peace Summit expressed their commitment to supporting the territorial integrity and political independence of Ukraine.
  • The principles of the UN Charter are the basis for achieving sustainable peace in Ukraine with the participation of world leaders

Negotiations with the Russian Federation can start even tomorrow — Zelensky

Russia's presence at the second Peace Summit may indicate its decision to end the war. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said this at a press conference, answering a question about Russia's possible participation in the second peace summit.

You ask what will happen to Russia at the other Summit. This will show that they want peace. Their presence there will indicate that they have decided to end the war. I don't want to play with words - they decided or the world forced them.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi

Volodymyr Zelenskyi

President of Ukraine

According to him, it is important for Ukraine to force the world.

But the main thing for us is the result. The result is the end of this war, the President of Ukraine emphasized.

Answering a question about negotiations with the Russian Federation, Zelenskyy emphasized that such negotiations could begin at least tomorrow.

Russia can start negotiations with us tomorrow without waiting for anything. If they leave our legal territories. This is simply respect for the UN Charter, - emphasized the President of Ukraine.

The participants of the Peace Summit signed a joint communiqué on Ukraine - details

The participants of the Global Peace Summit, which will be held on June 15-16 in Switzerland, published a joint communiqué on the foundations of peace in Ukraine.

The participants confirmed their commitment to refraining from the threat of force or its use against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, to the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states, including Ukraine.

The participants noted that the UN Charter, including the principles of respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states, can and will serve as a basis for achieving a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace in Ukraine.

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